Message: #352761
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 22:57

Cakes, cookies, rolls – for a sweet diet. Agafya Tikhonovna Zvonareva

on the table, stir in the raisins, finely chopped almonds, and cinnamon. INсе хорошо перемешать и оставить на столе на 15–20 минут, покрыв тесто салфеткой. Then roll up a large pretzel in the form of a horn, place on a greased baking sheet. pretzel поставить на расстойку в теплое место на 20 минут. INыпекать крендель при температуре 200 °C. Glaze the finished pretzel with fondant or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Compound: мука — 8 стаканов, молоко — 2,5 стакана, сливочное масло — 100 г, сахарный песок — 1,5 стакана, изюм — 1 стакан, сахарная пудра, миндаль — 0,5 стакана, корица — 1 ст. spoon, eggs - 7 pcs., salt - 1 teaspoon, yeast - 50 g.

Pretzels, глазированные соленой помадой
Dissolve yeast in milk. Flour, mixed with salt, sift through a sieve, stir butter or margarine in it with a knife, add yeast diluted in milk, and knead a stiff dough (like noodles). Roll out the finished dough into very thin bundles, which are formed in the form of pretzels. Transfer the products to a baking sheet, leave to proof, then brush with egg and bake in a hot oven. Before the product is ready, remove the baking sheet from the oven, glaze the pretzels with salty fondant. To prepare salty fondant, egg white, salt, flour and water should be thoroughly mixed.

Compound: дрожжи — 20 г, немного молока, мука — 300 г, сливочное масло или маргарин -100 г, яйцо для смазки — 1 PC.; для соленой помады: белок - 1 PC., соль — 2 ч. ложки, мука — 2 ч. ложки, вода — 2 ч. spoons.

Pretzels с тмином
From flour mixed with salt, butter and eggs, knead the dough. Roll out the finished dough into flagella, form pretzels out of them, which are greased with egg yolk, sprinkled with cumin and salt, transfer to a baking sheet and bake in the oven.

Compound: мука — 1,5 стакана, сливочное масло или маргарин — 150 г, яйцо - 1 PC., яичный желток для смазки, тмин для посыпки, соль.

Pretzels с сыром к чаю
IN муке размешать тертый сыр, масло или маргарин, добавить соду, соль, молоко и замесить не слишком крутое тесто, которое оставить на 2 часа на расстойку. Roll out the finished dough on a floured board to a layer 5 mm thick; cut into strips and form into pretzels, brush with egg, transfer to a baking sheet and bake in a hot oven. Pretzels не портятся долгое время, поэтому их можно готовить впрок и хранить в картонных коробках.

Compound: мука — 600 г, тертый сыр — 1,5 стакана, сливочное масло или маргарин — 300 г, питьевая сода — 0,5 ч. ложки, молоко — 1,5 стакана, соль — 2 ч. ложки, яйцо на смазку - 1 PC.


Baba with apples and cottage cheese with vanilla sauce
Cut stale wheat bread into slices and soak in a sweetened egg-milk mixture. Grind the soaked bread, add cottage cheese and very finely chopped apples, breadcrumbs or flour, mix everything thoroughly. Put the prepared mass into a deep form with wavy sides, greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. INыпекать в умеренно нагретой духовке 30 минут. Put the finished grandmother on a dish and pour over hot white vanilla sauce so that it is saturated with it.

Compound: пшеничный хлеб — 200 г, молоко — 1 стакан, яйца — 2 шт., сахарный песок — 2 ст. spoons, cottage cheese - 100 g, apples - 4 pcs., breadcrumbs or flour - 2 tbsp. spoons, margarine - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Baba rum
Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer until foamy, carefully add the flour, quickly knead the dough and carefully fill it with a form, generously oiled, sprinkled with flour. Carefully put the form with the dough in the oven, bake at 180 ° C until golden brown. INыпеченную бабу аккуратно извлечь из формы, охладить, пропитать вишневым соком с ромом, для чего опустить в миску с пропиткой.

Sauce preparation. On паровой бане взбить сливки с желтками, крахмалом, в конце влить ром, довести до загустения.

When serving, pour the baba with sweet sauce.

Compound: яйца — 3 шт., сахар — 150 г, мука — 150 г; for impregnation: cherry juice - 1 cup, rum - 2 tbsp. spoons; for the sauce: rum - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, egg yolks - 2 pcs., cream - 0.25 cups, starch - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Baba honey
Boil the honey carefully and, after removing the resulting foam, mix with cream, add 3-4 cups of flour, knead not too thick dough, let cool to the temperature of fresh milk, then add foamed yeast dissolved in a small amount of milk (cream), mix well, cover with a towel, put in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough has risen, add warm melted butter, beaten yolks with sugar, salt and the remaining flour. Knock out the dough carefully, put it in molds, generously greased with softened butter and dusted with flour, filling them halfway, let them rise.

Bake at 180°C until done.

Compound: сухая пшеничная мука — 1 кг, мед — 500 г, сливки — 0,25 л, сливочное масло — 400 г, яичные желтки — 20 шт., сахар — 300 г, свежие дрожжи — 70 г, соль.

Baba vanilla
Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add warm melted butter, sugar, vanilla sugar, rum, grated lemon zest and, at the very end, the yolks. Then add flour and beat vigorously. When the dough is free to lag behind the bowl and bubbles, add pre-washed, dried and floured raisins. Onполнить тестом смазанную маслом и обсыпанную сухарями форму, поставить в теплое место для брожения. When the dough has risen flush with the sides of the pan, bake at 180°C until done, about 60 minutes. When the baba has cooled down a little, carefully remove it from the mold, after complete cooling, sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can not sprinkle powder on a warm woman, the powder will melt, the appearance of the product will be unattractive.

Compound: мука — 300 г, дрожжи — 20 г, молоко — 0,3 стакана, сливочное масло — 160 г, яичные желтки — 4 шт., сахар — 0,5 стакана, ванилин, изюм — 1 стакан, ром — 1 ст. spoon, zest of half a lemon; for sprinkling: powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Baba poppy
cook дрожжевое тесто, поставить в теплое место для брожения. In the meantime, prepare the poppy seed filling: boil the milk with sugar, boil the poppy seeds in it until soft, then thoroughly pound it. Mix the resulting mass with honey, grated lemon zest, cinnamon, grated gingerbread, chocolate. Roll out the dough, spread with poppy seed filling, roll up, put in a prepared form, let rise well in a warm place.

Испечь at 180 °C until done.

With this method of making a woman in a section, an original, beautiful drawing is obtained.

Compound: мука — 600 г, дрожжи — 30 г, молоко — 0,5 л, сахар — 100 г, масло — 150 г, яичные желтки — 4 шт., цедра лимона, соль; for poppy seed filling: poppy seeds - 150 g, milk - 0.25 l, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, oil - 1 tbsp. ложка, молотый пряник - 1 PC., цедра лимона, корица, шоколад — 20 г, мед — 1 ст. spoon.

Baba nut
INзбить масло с сахаром и яйцами в пену, добавить сок и мелко натертую цедру лимона, измельченные ядра орехов, какао, влить молоко, всыпать муку, смешанную с содой, быстро замесить тесто. Pour the dough into a form generously greased with softened butter, sprinkled with flour or breadcrumbs.

To prevent the baba from burning, cover its surface, after it has reddened, with a sheet of thick paper.

Sprinkle the finished, completely cooled baba with icing sugar and vanilla.

Compound: мука — 250 г, измельченные ядра орехов — 2 ст. spoons, butter - 50 g, sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 2 pcs., milk - 0.3 cups, juice and grated zest of half a lemon, soda - 1 teaspoon, cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon; for sprinkling: powdered sugar with vanilla.

Baba with chocolate and nuts
Beat the butter with sugar and yolks until a fluffy foam is obtained and sugar crystals are completely dissolved, add chocolate chips, chopped nuts, pour milk in a thin stream, mix. Then pour in the flour mixed with soda, then add the egg whites whipped into a stable foam. Put the dough into a greased and floured form, bake until done.

Remove the cooled baba from the mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar and vanilla.

Compound: мука — 300 г, масло — 100 г, сахар — 200 г, яичные желтки — 4 шт., шоколад -50 г, ядра орехов — 100 г, яичные белки — 4 шт., сода на кончике ножа; for sprinkling: powdered sugar with vanilla.

Baba cottage cheese
Separate the yolks from the whites. Thoroughly grind the yolks with cottage cheese, salt and sugar, add raisins, cinnamon, whipped proteins and mix well. Put the mass into a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form, level the surface, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs and bake in the oven.

Compound: творог — 500 г, сахар — 1,5 стакана, изюм — 2 ст. spoons, cinnamon, eggs - 4 pcs., butter - 30 g, ground breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt.

Baba tender
INзбить яйца и желтки с сахаром до загустения на горячей water bath. Then continue churning the mass, removing the dishes from the water bath, until completely cooled, then add flour, chopped lemon zest, vanilla sugar and melted warm butter. Quickly knead a light airy dough, pour into a mold, filling it only halfway. Pre-grease the form with plenty of softened butter, sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs. Carefully place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 °C. INыпекать до готовности.

Carefully remove the cooled baba from the mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar and vanilla.

Compound: мука — 0,75 стакана, яйца — 6 шт., яичные желтки — 3 шт.,


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