Message: #87665
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 23:56

Plant yoga. Ayurveda guide to herbal medicine. David Froley, Vasant Lad

and pain. They can also have a diaphoretic and expectorant effect, and are also often circulatory stimulants. They improve the overall spirit and stimulate the main flow of energy, prana, in the body.

ATсе ветрогонные травы движут вату. This stimulating action pushes the accumulated vata out. However, their dryness can impair vata if used too long or in excess.

Most of these aromatic herbs tend to be warm and pungent in taste. However, the second group is cooling and gravitates toward a bitter taste.

Warming carminatives can aggravate pitta, and some of them promote acidity, in which case cooling carminatives should be preferred. Cooling carminatives often have a long-term debilitating effect on vata. ATсе ароматические и ветрогонные травы уменьшают капху, благодаря своим высушивающим свойствам. AT этой категории трав находится большинство специй, и в качестве специй они должны быть чаастью ежедневного рациона, в особенности для того, кто имеет вату. One to five grams of many of these spices taken with food can cure many diseases, since most diseases are due to bad digestion. ATместе с пищей или тонизирующими травами эти специи способствуют омоложению. They cure many congestive diseases and nervous disorders.

Typical warming carminatives include: ivan, basil, bay leaf, rattan palm, cardamom, cinnamon, clove (spice), garlic, ginger, juniper berries, nutmeg, orange peel, oregano, thyme, yellow ginger, valerian.

Typical cooling carminatives include: navel, catnip, chrysanthemums, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, linden, mustard, peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen. (see also stimulant and digestive herbs).

Diaphoretic herbs (swedana karma).

Diaphoretic (sweatogenic) herbs induce sweating and thereby restore circulation, deplete fever and chills, while removing toxins from the surface of the body. Strong diaphoretics are called diaphoretics.

They are surface releasing agents used in the initial and acute stages of colds and flux, as well as in more chronic conditions of asthma and arthritis. The initial or acute stage of colds and febrile illnesses paralyzes the protective energy that moves along the surface of the body. The result is to stop sweating and block circulation. Diaphoretic herbs, through stimulation, restore the protective energy of the body.

They have the following general therapeutic effect:
a) promote sweating
b) relieve muscle tension and painful joints,
c) reduce fever to lice factors (associated with colds and flux),
d) contribute to the appearance and passage of inflammatory processes on the skin,
e) contribute to the spread of surface water and swelling of the face and
f) relieve headaches due to colds and congestion. AT этом качестве они находятся на первой линии борьбы с заболеваниями.

Ayurveda distinguishes between two types of diaphoretic herbs according to the dosha they work on. These two types are warming and cooling diaphoretics.

Most diaphoretics are warming in nature. AT основном, это горячие острые травы, которые уменьшают капху и вату, но увеличивают питту. Most cold ones are kapha in nature, an invasion of cold and dampness. cotton wool, или ветер, представляет собой фактор, привносящий их в body. Warming diaphoretics treat the common cold by dispelling wind, cold, and dampness. They are usually stimulants, expectorants, and may have anti-asthma and anti-rheumatic properties.

Cooling diaphoretics are usually bitter to pungent herbs that reduce pitta and kapha but increase vata. They are more suitable for pitta-type colds and are more effective in treating high fevers, sore throats and other inflammatory diseases, including the entry of toxins into the blood. They are usually alternatives and may be diuretic.

Warming diaphoretics increase body temperature and eliminate chills through sweating. Cooling diaphoretics lower body temperature through sweating and flush out heat and toxins through the skin. Both types reduce water content, phlegm and kapha.

Keeping kapha requires heavy sweating due to its wet stance. Pitta content requires moderate perspiration, which is cooling in nature. It can be aggravated by warming diaphoretics, hot sweats or steam baths, or hot baths and saunas that reduce kapha. cotton wool требует слабого потоотделения с преобладающей согревающей природой, чтобы помочь увлажнению ее поверхностной сухости, а сильные диафоретические методы еще более высушить вату.

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