Message: #87700
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:12

Ayurveda. The Science of Self-Healing

tissues of the body and with the tridosha. The vibrational actions of these seven colors can assist in restoring the balance of the three properties of the body. If gelatin paper dyed in any of the seven colors is wrapped around a jug of water and the jug is placed in the sun for four hours, the water will absorb the color vibrations. This water can be drunk, which will have a beneficial effect. The following colors are used in Ayurvedic treatment:
RED. itт цвет связан с кровью. It has a healing property, contributing to the red color of blood cells and stimulating the formation of red blood cells. Red also creates bodily warmth and stimulates blood circulation. Helps поддерживать цвет кожи, дает энергию нервным тканям и костному мозгу, облегчает обострение и вата, и капха. However, an excessive effect of this color can cause an excess of Pitta accumulations in certain parts of the body, as a result, an inflammatory process can begin. Too much red can cause conjunctivitis.
ORANGE. Orange, like red, warms, carries healing energy. He помогает ищущему духовности отречься от мира. However, it also gives energy and strength to the genitals. Orange color should be used in connection with celibacy, for the transformation of sexual energy into the Supreme Consciousness. Anyone who is not celibate can enhance sexuality by applying this color. The orange color helps to relieve the aggravation of vata and kapha. He также лечит закупорки и поддерживает здоровье кожи. Переизбыток оранжевого цвета может обострить pitta.
YELLOW. When a person perceives yellow, the energy goes to the main chakra. itт цвет стимулирует понимание и интеллект. In a spiritual sense, yellow is associated with the complete dying of the ego. Чрезмерное употребление этого цвета вызывает избыточное накопление желчи в тонкой кишке и может обострить pitta. itт цвет облегчает избыток вата и капха.
GREEN. itт цвет имеет успокаивающее действие на ум и создает свежесть. Helps принести энергию к чакре сердца. Softens emotions, gives satisfaction to the heart. Успокаивает избыточные вата и капха и обостряет pitta. Excessive use of this color stimulates the concentration of bile and can cause gallstones.
ЖЕЛТО-GREEN. It has the properties of yellow and green colors. Helps облегчить вата и капха, но может обострить pitta. Has a calming effect on the mind.
BLUE. it цвет Чистого Сознания. It has a calming, cooling effect on the body and mind. Helps при обесцвечивании кожи. Helps исправить болезни печени, облегчает обострение pitta. An excess of blue can aggravate vata and kapha and can create blockages.
PURPLE (PURPLE). it цвет Космического Сознания, который ведет к пробуждению сознания. itт цвет создает легкость в теле и открывает двери к восприятию. Eases aggravation in pitta and kapha, but too much can aggravate vata.
Appendix 1. Food Antidotes
Cheese Увеличивает закупорки и слизь, обостряет питта и капха Черный перец, capsicum или красный capsicum, петрушка, калинтро, куркума и лук
Ice cream Increases mucus, creates blockages Cloves or cardamom
Sour крем (слив-ки) Увеличивает слизь, создает закупорки Кориандр и кардамон
Yogurt Increases mucus, creates blockages Cumin or ginger
Oats Increases kapha and fat Turmeric, mustard seeds or cumin
Rice Increases kapha and fat Cloves or peppercorns
Wheat Increases kapha and fat Ginger
Legumes Produce gas and bloating Garlic, cloves, black pepper, red pepper, ginger, rock salt, or capsicum
Zucchini Gases Boil in sunflower oil with turmeric and mustard seed
Garlic Increases Pitta Grated Coconut & Lemon
Green salad Gases Olive oil with lemon juice
Onion Gases Boiled or salted lemon, yogurt and mustard seed
Potato Gases Ghee with Pepper Seeds
Tomatoes Increases kapha Linden or cumin
Avocado Increases kapha Turmeric, lemon, garlic and black pepper
Dried fruits Form dryness, may aggravate vata Soak in water
Манго Promotes поносу Гхи с кардамоном
Melon Forms water Grated coconut with coriander
Watermelon Forms water Salt with capsicum
Nuts Gas and increase pitta Soak overnight and boil in sesame oil with capsicum
Peanut butter Heavy, damaging, increases pitta, causes headaches Ginger or roasted cumin powder
May aggravate pitta Steep and bake until light
Alcohol Stimulant. Creates depression Chew 1/4 teaspoon cumin seed or 1-2 cardamom seeds
Black tea Stimulant. Creates de-pressure Ginger
Chocolate Stimulant. Also acts suppressively on the body systems Cardamom or cumin
Caffeine Stimulant with subsequent suppressive effect Nutmeg powder with cardamom
Coffee Stimulating. Suppresses the body Nutmeg powder with cardamom
Popped corn Creates dryness and gas Add ghee
Sweets Increase the possibility of blockages Dry ginger powder
Tobacco Aggravates pitta and stimulates vata Gotu kola, calamus root or celery seeds

Annex 2. First aid in treatment
ASTHMA. Licorice (licorice) and ginger tea are recommended. Half a teaspoon of mixed herbs per cup of water. Another treatment for internal use: a quarter cup of onion juice with one teaspoon of honey and an eighth of a teaspoon of black pepper. it облегчает закупорки и кашель и лечит одышку.
BACK PAIN. Прикладывать имбирную пасту и эвкалиптовое масло на больные places.
PAIN (external). Apply a ginger compress. Preparation of ginger compress: mix two teaspoons of ginger powder with a teaspoon of turmeric powder, adding as much water as required for getting a paste. Heat the paste and spread evenly on a piece of gauze or cotton cloth. Then put the fabric on the sore spot and tie it with a bandage. Leave the compress overnight.
Blisters. Apply boiled onions as a poultice or apply ginger-turmeric paste (half a teaspoon of ginger and half a teaspoon of turmeric) directly on the blister.
SORE THROAT. Полоскать горло теплой водой, смешанной с четвертью чайной ложки порошка куркумы со a pinch of salt.
GAS (in the abdominal cavity). Mix a pinch of baking soda with the juice of half a lemon in a cup of water and drink.
EYES (burning). Apply castor oil to the soles of the feet or inject three drops of pure rose water into the affected eye. Fresh aloe vera juice can also be used for eye drops.
GUMS. Drink the juice of half a lemon squeezed into a cup of water, or massage your gums with coconut oil. (When bleeding from the gums).
HAEMORRHOIDS. Drink half a cup of aloe vera juice three times a day until the hemorrhoids are gone.
HEADACHE. For general headache relief, apply a paste of half a teaspoon of ginger powder mixed with water and warmed to the forehead. There may be a burning sensation, but this is not harmful. Another method of treatment is to regulate breathing. Notice which nostril exhales with more force. Close it and breathe through the other nostril until the headache subsides.
The following method may be useful in the treatment of specific types of headaches. Sinus headache associated with kapha can be relieved by applying ginger paste to the forehead and sinuses (sinuses). A temporary headache indicates an excess of pitta in the stomach, for this pain, drink tea from cumin or coriander seeds (half a teaspoon of each type of seeds in a cup of hot water). At the same time, apply sandalwood paste to the temples. Pain in the back of the head indicates the presence of toxins in the colon. In this case, take a teaspoon of flaxseed with a glass of warm milk before bed. At the same time, apply ginger paste to the mastoid processes, behind the ears.
Головные боли могут происходить due to изменений энергии или при подавлении возбуждения в тонких соединительных тканях.
SINUS LOCKAGE. Apply ginger paste to the affected areas or inhale one pinch of calamus root powder.
TOOTHACHE. Apply three drops clove oil to an aching tooth.
CONSTIPATION. Drink tea from alexandria leaf (a teaspoon of the leaf in a cup of water) or take a teaspoon of ghee in a glass of hot milk before going to bed. Another treatment: at night, drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoon of flaxseed.
HICCUP. Take two parts honey to one part castor oil. Do pranayama (see chapter 12. Breathing and meditation).
EXHAUST. Drink a glass of coconut water or grape juice. Or boil three dates in 8 ounces of water (1 ounce - 28.3 g).
COUGH. Gargle is prepared with a pinch of salt and two pinches of turmeric powder in a glass of warm water. Suck on a whole clove with a piece of candy. If you cough up mucus, drink tea with half a teaspoon of ginger powder, a pinch of cloves and a pinch of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water.
BLEEDING (external). Apply ice or sandal paste. Also, apply the ashes of a burnt cotton ball to the bleeding site.
BLEEDING (internal). Drink warm milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and saffron.
MENSTRUAL CRAMPS. Drink a teaspoon of aloe vera juice with two pinches of black pepper three times a day until the cramps disappear.
MUSCLE TENSION (on the body). In the form of an enema, one cup of calamus oil can be injected into the rectum. Keep 30 minutes. For normal muscle tension, apply warm ginger paste with turmeric (a teaspoon of ginger and a half teaspoon of turmeric) to sore spots twice a day.
INDIGESTION. There is one head of minced garlic with a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Or drink a quarter cup of onion juice with half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of black pepper.
BURNS. Apply a paste of fresh aloe vera juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. You can use ghee or coconut oil.
COLD. Boil a teaspoon of ginger powder in a quart of water and inhale the vapors. Boiling eucalyptus leaves is also an excellent remedy for colds. Eucalyptus oil applied to both sides of the nose will relieve blockages. Calamus root powder can be used as a snuff: inhale a pinch of the powder in each nostril.
TUMORS. Drink barley water. Boil four parts of water with one part of barley. Coriander tea also works well. For external tumors, apply to the affected areas two parts turmeric powder mixed with

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