Message: #278805
Ольга Княгиня » 14 Dec 2017, 19:12

A disciplined trader. Business psychology of success. Mark Douglas

them in trading prowess?

How do you feel about losses?

How do you feel about the opinions of others?

When вы считаете его правильным? And when is it wrong?

How do you feel about your own wrong?

By answering these questions, you will begin to understand the features own behavior, as well as the framework of your choice: that is, what you consider possible or impossible for yourself, depending on your concepts.

ANDногда выявить какое-нибудь понятие бывает проще методом от противного - пробуя определить, что, именно по вашим понятиям, нельзя считать верным. You can also look at your concepts from the outside: they are, as it were, not yours, but someone else's. If they really are not yours, then remember under what circumstances that person reacted to certain situations in a very characteristic way (because of your concepts). And then think about how that person could act if he had other ideas.

Let us further suppose that you have discovered concepts in your life that are of little use or not at all compatible with your purposes. In such a case, deprive them of their energy through the technique of affirmation or overthrow.



With every movement, a person changes the physical environment in one way or another. The more powerful or expressive his movements, the greater the change. According to the same logic, a person changes the psychological situation in one way or another with every thought. The more expressive his thoughts (that is, the more energy he generates by the desire to think), the higher the chance of change. In which direction a person directs his thoughts, changes will go in that direction. The focus of thought on something and generates change. In my experience, writing down my thoughts is one of the most powerful ways available to help me focus and bring about the change I want.

After all что значит писать? It means to give physical form to what is happening in the inner world. Желание представить что-то в письменном виде направляет внимание в нужное русло и руководит остальными составляющими inner world. Everything that is revealed, revealed, floats to the surface from the depths of consciousness - all this is withdrawn from there. Having opened the contents, you can begin to change by sending a written order to the inner world. This technique can be very effective - it all depends on the energy invested in it.

Schematically, the process can be represented like this:


Consciousness -> in -> Inner world (indications regarding certain information)


ANDнформация доходит до сознания (необязательно сразу).

Thanks to her consciousness acquires a physical form through written presentation and becomes material, tangible.

Thanks to consciousness, information is assimilated (discovery for oneself).

Thanks to consciousness, a connection is established between the nature of information and the situation in which a person finds himself.

Thanks to consciousness, the mode of the inner world is evaluated at the moment according to its suitability.

Thanks to consciousness, there is a desire to create new conditions.

Thanks to consciousness, a person asks the question: “With the help of what concepts can I act more successfully or create the conditions I need?” Here it is, the highlight and the essence of the creative process: to ask a question, and then wait for it to dawn or life will guide you on the path of insight.

Thanks to consciousness, it will become clear when it has found the most suitable solution: you will either understand with your mind or feel with your body that it is correct.

Thanks to consciousness, this insight will be transformed into an order for change.

Thanks to consciousness, these changes will then be presented in writing to the inner world with instructions to consider them true.

ANDзлагать мысли письменно - значит невольно упорядочить их с прицелом на желаемый объект творчества. And such thoughts change the inner picture.



When мы говорим о самоконтроле, то имеем в виду процесс, в ходе которого человек учится владеть собой, управлять своим поведением. This quality is not innate and not from the category inherent in individuals. This is a special way of thinking, a psychological technique with which you can change some concept or system of concepts if it runs counter to your idea or intention. Self-control is a more direct way to bring about change, since the person, by acting purposefully, directly opposes what he is going to change.

Therefore, personally, I would define self-control as a deliberate departure in one's actions from the framework of some concept (regardless of mental discord due to such actions). Why violate its boundaries? To achieve a goal or accomplish a task that is incompatible with this concept. If the action contrary to the concept drags on for a long time, then the concept will eventually lose its energy. But, in general, the speed of its de-energization depends not so much on time as on the intensity of the action. ANDначе говоря, чем сильнее желание и решимость человека, the faster the opposing concept will come to naught.

Let's take this example. Let's say you want to quit smoking or lose weight. These are conscious intentions. А ваши понятия (пусть не все, но некоторые) говорят вам «No!». It is possible that the word of those who want to see you as a smoker is very significant in your inner world. How significant is easy to determine. Watch yourself when you try to act (that is, this is a conscious decision) against them (the same goes for other opposing concepts). Are you very hard? Is there something holding you back? Yes, it's not that simple. It feels like these concepts are living beings that confuse, interfere in your affairs, right?

But these and other your ideas about yourself are amenable to change. You just need to first identify them, and then find out how suitable they are for achieving your goals. Think about what they will become on the path to success - a help or an obstacle? One way to change ideas about yourself is to create a psychological tool that is designed specifically to change unusable concepts. I mean self control.

But how exactly to develop self-control and apply it in life? I'll show you with a specific exercise. His цель -помочь научиться мыслить в разных направлениях. Now you will train in the ability to fixate (in a good way) on some kind of conscious desire. In addition, you will learn to determine the strength of the internal resistance that a system of concepts provides. AND наконец, вы научитесь создавать психологические средства, чтобы сознательно управлять своей жизнью.

1. Make a list of what you don't like to do; feel like you can't do it; would like to stop doing; never did, but perhaps they could do it with pleasure. For example, you could go jogging, do a set of gymnastic exercises, or take care of taking out the trash can.

2. ANDтак, список составлен. Look through it and choose some small or the most insignificant thing for you.

3. Now try to convince yourself in the most benevolent way that you want to do this new business for you, which you have consciously chosen. Just don't make promises to yourself to try to keep it. Vows to do something are not such a powerful tool.

4. Make a strict plan to reach your goal.

5. Whenever you force yourself to follow a plan, watch your thought process or train of thought: write it down. Не исключено, что в этот момент у вас промелькнет в голове: «ANDнтересно, как я слежу за процессом мышления?»

In ordinary life, a person is always and everywhere overcome by all kinds of information that fight among themselves for the right to receive attention first. But a person notices around not one thing, but many at once. In fact, his consciousness is scattered in many directions at the same time. However постарайтесь уделить частичку его тому, что происходит в вас самих. ANDначе говоря, посмотрите на свои мысли со стороны, но через частичку себя. If at that time it works out, then it will be much easier for you to get the information for which the exercise is being done.

6. ANDтак, вы стараетесь не отступать от плана. Tell me, do you feel any resistance, a desire to find excuses, excuses in hindsight? Yes? See how these thoughts take your conscious attention away from the goal? There is a classic example of a collision: a system of concepts opposes a consciously chosen goal, since it does not contain a concept or definition corresponding to this goal.

7. Now focus on the goal again. The most important thing for you to understand is that you need to direct as much energy as possible to achieve it. After all часть ее отбирают понятия, отвлекающие от цели. This means that the part by which you keep your attention on the goal should be larger: that is, more energy needs to be produced for it.

There is one “but” in the proposed exercise, against which I would like to warn. The fact is that shifting attention from what is distracting to what you want does not mean suppressing or denying this distraction. It is necessary to recognize what is in you and agree that it is so: then you can work with this content. You can, of course, suppress and deny it. But it takes a lot of energy, and the result is that you support the concepts that you are just trying to suppress. So please take care of yourself!

Each time you take on a chosen task and complete it, you create tools that will help you next time. Each successful outcome takes away some of the energy from the concepts that interfered. But your new trait will receive an energy additive.


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