Message: #278805
Ольга Княгиня » 14 Dec 2017, 19:12

A disciplined trader. Business psychology of success. Mark Douglas

to him. A person who has truly overcome fear will not look down on those who have not overcome it: after all, he has nothing to fear. The one who has overcome fear and seen other possible options not only really expands his choice, but also becomes wiser. Wisdom - это побочный плод познания, который созревает, когда человек вбирает в себя новое о жизни без страха или отрицательной энергии, связанной с этой ее новой стороной. Ultimately, wisdom is the very good without which there is no evil.

However такая мудрость приходит, когда старательно меняешь плохое на хорошее. After all без этого не поверить в удачу, когда она выпадет там, где прежде приходилось лишь страдать. Do not believe in it with all your desire, because in the inner world there is no support system to accept the situation as it is. But what is she? Such as will appear in our assessment. The assessment of facts and events is dictated by the energy that exists in the inner world - except for cases of the first experience. Do not want to work hard on the minuses, turning them into pluses? Then you и дальше будете злиться и бояться - только и всего. The choice is yours. Everyone is endowed with the gift to create and think freely in any desired direction. So use these thoughts to improve your life. Trust me, you can do it.


CHAPTER 14 How to remake yourself

Как переделать myself? You will learn about this now, and at the same time you will practice.



In his thoughts, a person can go beyond the support system or system of concepts. This is how consciousness is arranged - that is, that part of a person, thanks to which he is aware of his own thoughts at the moment and what is happening around. But if the concept can be bypassed, then why not look at it critically: is it so indisputable and suitable for life? Maybe you should take a closer look at it: what if something new, more valuable or suitable for the given conditions will open up? After all именно так и делаются открытия. ANDх делает тот, кто способен усомниться в неизменном, устоявшемся; who is ready to go beyond the old and not less ready accept everything new.

You are oversimplifying everything, Mr. Author! So, for certain, many of my readers will think. But I'm talking about what everyone knows: where there is desire, there is skill. Just few people thought about this truth in relation to the change of concepts. After all чтобы выявить или изменить в себе что-то, надо прежде всегохотеть.Хотеть чего-то - значит невольно думать об этом. To think means to give birth to the energy of thought. But it is precisely with such energy that concepts, memories and associative connections are charged! INот и получается, что мысли уже сами по себе способны изменять, перестраивать, увеличивать, уменьшать или менять на обратное любое содержимое inner world. In fact, with the help of thoughts, you can generally make a new person out of yourself - thanks to that very desire.

From any conscious choice (even from a simple decision to mentally bypass a concept that is unsuitable for a given case), other changes also begin: for example, neurological changes are observed in the electrical circuit of the brain. If, on the other hand, we make a decision that is generally at odds with the concept that must be deprived of energy, and then act according to this concept, then as a result it will lose its force and, as a result, will not be able to influence our behavior.

Learn for yourself (this is important!) that concepts cannot be destroyed. Once they have developed in a person, they will remain with him until the end of his days. But they can be deprived of energy, de-energized. If, for example, you set fire to a bundle of firewood, then they will give up their energy: it will go to heat the air. The wood itself will turn into ash. Ash is not able to give heat, and therefore has almost no effect on the outside world. But it still exists. Concepts devoid of energy are the same ashes. They persist, but no longer affect how a person evaluates what is happening or behaves. Many of us once believed in the Baba Yaga and the ghost in the closet. Then, when we became more and more aware of the structure of the world around us, these ideas disappeared by themselves. Но вплоть до того момента они явно влияли на наши поступки и оценки information. “Yes, there was a time when I thought it was true,” you now recall. But to remember what one once believed in means that this concept has been preserved! It just doesn't affect your inner life anymore.

Each of the concepts that you find in yourself forms a comfort zone. Its limits are the limits inherent in any concept that forms such a zone. Any definition indicates the boundaries of the action and the distinguishing features of the characterized. Every concept is our truth of life. ANDз понятий следует не только то, каков мир, но и какое место в нем мы себе отводим. With these definitions, we measure the degree of admissibility of knowledge for ourselves: we are ready to admit that in the internal and in the external world there is such and such - but nothing more. Let me explain with an example. Tell me, is it permissible, according to your concepts, that the market is capable of anything at any moment? No? What do you think he can't do? What if he did do what you thought he couldn't? How long will it take you to accept a new truth? AND признаете ли вы ее вообще? Pay attention to the boundaries of action that the structure of the concept allocates to awareness.

Mastering the science of changing concepts in order to be more thoughtful about your intentions and goals, remember one thing: every change comes with a fight. Volcanic eruptions, childbirth, social revolutions, gusts of wind, downpours, waves - all these are examples of the steep nature of the forces that bring about change. ANDменно поэтому очень многим трудно жить творчески. Look: on the one hand, creativity attracts a person, and nature pushes him to it. On the other hand, a person does not want to enter into conflict and get involved in a struggle between the old and the new. And after all at change of concept it, as a matter of fact, the same waits. In the transition from one system of concepts to another, one cannot do without clashes, experiences, and anxiety. However, experiences are not eternal - they subside. AND - как во всяком деле — чем больше делаешь, тем легче оно дается и в итоге станет освоенным навыком. Use them then to your health, like everyone else: after all, they are part of your calling card.




Set a timer for 10 minutes.

Write a series of statements about yourself: "I am this" or "I do/think/do this and that".

Add them as quickly as possible, but not at random, but being aware of what is being declared. It is important, however, not to turn into a censor, rejecting something, especially contradictory statements.

ANDтак, время истекло. Review what you have written and cross out anything that is undeniable. For example, statements like "I am a man" (or "I am a woman"), "I am blue-eyed", "I am a brunette" will be crossed out.

All other statements are concepts of yourself, which you seek to lay down. Especially important are those that contradict each other. They extinguish your energy, because they are engaged in an inherent internal struggle: the truth of a concept is defended only directly at the expense of another.

I will give examples of opposing or contradictory concepts.

I will definitely win. / I guess I don't deserve to succeed.

I am a winner. / I am a loser.

I succeed. / I missed the chance to succeed.

I deserve more./I'm a sinner.

I strive for perfection. / I believe that perfection is not given to a person.

I am trusting./In general, people are untrustworthy - and so am I.

I believe that there is no golden mean between winning and losing. / I am satisfied with myself and my successes.

I am honest. / I am dishonest, like people in general.

I believe that work is an honest way to make money. / I believe that trading is not a job, but an easy way to get money.


Questions to yourself

It is possible that because of some of your concepts, you prevent yourself from taking more from the market. Want to check if you have such concepts? Then ask yourself the following questions.

What is your definition of guilt?

How do you determine which case is at fault?

In what case will you not blame yourself, even if others will?

Can these criteria be extended to situations in which you would plead guilty?

What would stop you?

Who or what in your past is telling you, “This is wrong! Don't you dare do that!"

Is their assessment of the situation better than yours? If yes, why?

Do you think these concepts are valuable? If so, what exactly. Do you find them limiting? If yes, what exactly?

Let's say you can find out why you have a certain concept, and change this something. How would you change it?

ANDз-за чего вы бы не решились на такие перемены?

In the questions given below, the phrase "how do you feel about" can be replaced by the phrase "what is it really."

How do you feel about competition?

How do you feel about taking possession of the money of others by surpassing


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