Message: #399215
Heavy Metal » 18 Oct 2018, 18:31


Trivandrum, Thiruvanantapuraṁ (Malayal. തിരുവനന്തപുരം, tiruvaṉantapuraṁ) is a city in India, the capital of the state of Kerala, the administrative center of Trivandrum district. The city is located on the western coast of India, near the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent. The city is spread among low coastal hills. The population of the city is 752,490 people, the population of the urban agglomeration is 1.68 million people, thus the city forms the fifth largest urban agglomeration of the state of Kerala and is the largest city in the state. Mahatma Gandhi called Trivandrum “the evergreen city of India”.

The name of the city comes from the Malayalam word thiru-ananda-puram, which means “City of Ananda”. The name is associated with the deity to whom the temple of Sri Padmanabhaswami is dedicated, located in the center of the city. Ananda is the king of the Nagas, on which the gods Padmanabha and Vishnu recline. This temple is the hallmark of the city.

Physical-geographical characteristic
Thiruvananthapuram is built on seven hills on the western coast of India, between the Laccadive Sea in the west and the Western Ghats in the east, near the southern tip of the Hindustan peninsula. The area of ​​the city is 214.86 sq. km. The average height above sea level is 16 m. The city is located in the zone of medium seismic hazard.
Thiruvananthapuram is located on the banks of the Karamana and Killy rivers.

The city’s climate is transitional from tropical savanna climate to tropical monsoon climate. As a result, the boundaries between seasons are blurred. Humidity is high and reaches 90% during the monsoon season. Thiruvananthapuram is the first city on the path of the southwest monsoons, and the first of them hit the city as early as June. The annual rainfall exceeds 1700 mm. In October, the city is exposed to the northeast monsoon. The dry season starts in December. December, January and February are the coolest months, March April and May are the hottest. The absolute maximum temperature is 39°C, the absolute minimum is 15°C.

Thiuvhananthapuram is located in an ancient trading region. It is assumed that the port of Ophir, in which, according to legend, King Solomon landed in 1036 BC. e., was in Thiruvananthapuram. The city port has long been a center for trade in spices, sandalwood and ivory. IN ancient period of political and cultural history, the city developed separately from the rest of the modern state of Kerala. The first rulers of the city belonged to the Ai dynasty. IN X веке, после их падения, город перешёл под контроль государства INенад
Расцвет Тируванантапурама начался в 1729 году после восшествия на престол государства Траванкор раджи Мартанды INармы. IN 1745 году он перенёс столицу государства из Падманабхапурама в Тируванантапурам. The city became an important intellectual and artistic center of the era. The golden age in the history of the city is considered to be the middle of the 19th century – the period of the reign of Maharaja Swati Thirunal and Maharaja Ayiliam Thirunal. IN этот период была открыта первая англоязычная школа (1834), обсерватория (1837), генеральный госпиталь (1839), Институт исследования INостока и древних рукописей и Университетский колледж (1873). IN этот период также была открыта первая в штате больница для душевнобольных. Under Mulam Thirunal (1885-1924), the College of Sanskrit, the College of Ayurveda, the College of Law and the College for Women were opened.

The beginning of the 20th century was a period of major political and social change. The Sri Mulam Assembly, founded in 1904, was the first democratically elected legislative body in India. Despite the fact that the city was not under the direct control of the British colonial administration, Thiruvananthapuram became one of the centers of the Indian national liberation movement. IN 1938 году здесь прошло собрание Индийского национального конгресса под председательством доктора Паттабхи Ситарамаяха.
IN 1920 году был образован муниципалитет Тируванантапурама. On October 30, 1940, the municipality received the status of a municipal corporation. The Temple Entry Proclamation, published in 1936, promoted social emancipation. IN 1937 году был основан Университет Траванкора, позже переименованный в Университет Кералы.
IN 1947 году, с окончанием периода британского правления, Траванкор сделал выбор в пользу Индийского союза. IN 1949 году Тируванантапурам стал столицей штата Траванкор-Кочин, образованного путём объединения Траванкора с его северным соседом — княжеством Кочин. Махараджа Траванкора, Читра Тирунал Бала Рама INарма, стал раджпрамукхом (губернатором) нового штата (с 1 июля 1949 по 31 октября 1956 г.). After the formation on November 1 In 1956, Thiruvananthapuram became the capital of Kerala.

The service sector was previously the base for the city’s economy, over 60% of jobs were related to the public service. IN Тируванантапураме, по сравнению с другими столицами южноиндийских штатов (Ченнаи, Бангалор) сравнительное небольшое число крупных промышленных предприятий. IN настоящее время всё больший вклад в рост экономики города вносят сферы информационных и биотехнологий.
IN Тируванантапураме расположены офисы нескольких телевизионных компаний, а также первый в Индии анимационный парк.

IN городе производится свыше 80 % программного обеспечения, экспортируемого из штата. The information technology sector began to develop rapidly after the opening of the Kerala Technopark in 1995 in Thiruvananthapuram. The city ranks second in the development of information technology infrastructure among the cities of the second echelon of development and in terms of the availability of human resources. IN городском технопарке размещены такие компании как Oracle Corporation, Accenture, Infosys, ITC Infotech, TCS, Capgemini, Visual Graphics Computing Services, Ernst & Young Global Shared Services Center, Allianz Cornhill, RR Donnelley, UST Global, Tata Elxsi, IBS Software Services, NeST Software, SunTec Business Solutions и др. IN компаниях, расположенных в технопарке, занято около 40 000 специалистов.
Tourism also makes a significant contribution to the development of the urban economy. Thiruvananthapuram is visited annually by a significant number of foreign tourists. The city is also an important center for medical tourism. Также туристов привлекают соответствующие международным стандартам пляжи Ковалам и INаркала, вдоль которых расположен ряд аюрведических курортов.

Trivandrum International Airport is approximately 3.7 km from the business center of the city, 16 km from the beach at Kovalam and 9.4 km from the technology park. International flights include cities such as Dubai, Male, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Doha, Singapore, Colombo, etc.
Trivandrum is located in the southern zone of Indian railways, the central station is located 5 km from the airport’s international terminal. National Highway No. 47 passes through the city and connects Trivandrum with the cities of Salem, Coimbatore and Cochin (in the northeast) and with the city of Kanyakumari (on south).

Interesting facts
IN начале июля 2011 года в храме Шри-Падманабхасвами были найдены сокровища, предварительно оцененные в сумму более 20 миллиардов долларов. IN пяти из шести вскрытых в храме сокровищницах находилось несколько тонн бриллиантов, золота и статуй из драгоценных металлов. On July 6, 2011, the court ruled on the protection of treasures and their inventory, for which two former judges were sent to the temple. The process of inventory of treasures and their assessment will be filmed on video and photographic equipment.
Near Thiruvananthapuram in Thumba is the Indian Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (en: Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station).

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