Message: #253172
Аннета Эссекс » 08 Nov 2017, 11:33


Weather in Singapore in summer

In June, the daytime temperature is +31 °С, at night +24 °С, the water temperature is +30 °C. In June, 162 mm of precipitation falls. There are about 13 rainy days and 15 thunderstorms this month. It usually rains at noon. Air humidity during the day is 64%, at night – 95%.

The weather in Singapore in July is typical for countries with an equatorial climate: during the day +30 °С, at night +24 °C. 158 mm of precipitation falls, noticeably less compared to other months. It rains once every two or three days, usually during the day.

During the day in August +28 °С, at night +24 °C. The weather this month is suitable for excursions and for a beach holiday: the water temperature is +29 °C. About 165 mm of precipitation falls, but it is impossible to predict the exact amount: it can be dry or, conversely, extremely wet. Rains are unexpected, strong, but short-lived, they usually fall at noon.

Weather in Singapore in autumn

September is not fundamentally different from previous months. The average temperature during the day is +28 °С, at night +24 °C. In September, the water on the coast of Singapore is warmed up to +29 °C. Humidity during the day is 64%, at night 84%. Wind south or southeast. September is very rainy.

The average air temperature in October is +27 °С, at night +24 °C. The daily fluctuation is seven degrees. There are about five hours of sunshine every day. In October, there are up to 18 thunderstorms and 16 rainy days. Rains are typical for the midday hours. Air humidity during the day and at night is 63% and 95% respectively.

In November, +30 °С during the day, +23 °С at night. This is the darkest month, the number of hours of sunshine does not exceed four. In summer, for comparison, two more. Approximately 256 mm of precipitation falls. The number of rainy days varies from 11 to 24, with an average of 19 over the history of observations. Humidity indicators: 66% during the day and 97% at night.

Weather in Singapore in winter

In December, there is a relative “cooling”. The temperature from +33 °С in autumn drops to +28…+30 °С during the day and to +23 °С at night. The water is still very warm, +27–28 °C.

In January in Singapore, the daytime temperature stays at +29–30 °C, the nighttime temperature drops to +23…+25 °C. The water is warm, +26 °C throughout the month. Tourists arriving from countries with a pronounced cold winter feel unusual, because there is no snow or snowdrifts.

In February, the weather in Singapore does not change much. During the day, the air warms up to +31 °С, at night it is also warm, +23 °C. Water temperature in reservoirs +27 °C.

Spring weather in Singapore

Since March, the temperature has been about the same. Днем столбик термометра поднимается до +31…+33 °С, ночью заметно прохладнее: +23–24 °C. Вода в водоемах прогревается до +29…+31 °C. In March, according to statistics, there are about 14 rainy days and 15 thunderstorms, that is, every rain is accompanied by a thunderstorm. The daily humidity index is 62%.

In April, the weather is not much different from May: just as hot and humid. Днем +31 °С, ночью +24 °C. Максимальная дневная температура была зафиксирована 1985 году и составляла +35 °C. Водоемы остаются прогретыми до +30 °C.

Heat and high humidity persist into May. Днем около +30 °С, ночью +24 °C. It rains every two days, usually in the morning. The least rainy days – only six – were recorded in 1997. Daytime humidity 65%, nighttime – 96%.

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