Message: #338289
Heavy Metal » 19 Apr 2018, 02:02

Samburu National Park

Samburu is a national reserve in Kenya. The park was formed in 1985 on an area of ​​165 km2. The basis of the reserve is the Iwaso Nyiro River, along the banks of which are palm forests. The river is very important for the park’s ecosystem as it supplies the park’s animals with water. The name of the park is translated from the Maa language as “butterfly”.

Nearby is the Buffalo Springs Reserve, 350 km from Nairobi. Samburu is located in a dry and hot area of ​​Africa, dry hills and plains are characteristic of the terrain. The drought begins in May and lasts for six months, until the rainy season comes in October-November. At this time, in the Samburu Reserve, greenery blooms along the banks of the Iwaso Nyiro River and wild animals gather from all over the area.

Many species of birds and animals have found shelter in the reserve. Of the predatory animals, it is worth noting leopards, cheetahs and lions. Almost a thousand elephants also live in Samburu. Other animals include buffaloes, gerenuks, Grant’s gazelles, gerenuks, impalas, waterbucks, oryxes, zebras, and giraffes. Rhinos once lived in the park, but they were exterminated by poachers. No less rich is the world of birds, numbering over 350 varieties: Somali ostriches, bee-eaters, marabou, eagles, vulture guinea fowl, vultures, secretary birds, vultures, yellow-throated francolins.

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