Message: #248864
Ольга Княгиня » 05 Nov 2017, 21:50

Stars, woman, sex. Judith Bennet

pleasure, adapt to change, and feel comfortable when others become close to us. If we are in complete harmony with our freely flowing sexual energy, we are able to live with self-respect, love, freedom and creativity. We can take the risks necessary to bring about change, and we can appreciate the responsibilities that deep intimacy places on a person as well as worldly success.

But if we are having difficulty trying / identifying our needs,

>give and receive love

> develop our sexual potential,

>use anger constructively

> achieve your goals,

then this book will, I hope, be a valuable aid to the formation of a way of life through which the personality can be fully realized.


This book is based on thirteen psychoastrological portraits of women. It lists the different character types of women, ranging from the Aries Woman to the Cosmic Woman, and includes all the signs of the Zodiac in between.

There are twelve signs in the Zodiac, and I used this symbolism. I added one more, not because I think a planet beyond Pluto will soon be discovered to add to the Zodiac's planetary collection (although it might happen), but because I'm convinced that women today are looking for role models. The thirteenth chapter describes a woman of the highest type, one who is so spiritually, sexually, mentally and emotionally independent that she is in total and reliable dependence on everyone and everything. If this phase seems paradoxical to you, I refer you to chapter thirteen.

Every woman is a combination of different influences, including genes, origins, and the contributions that parents, teachers, friends, lovers, children, society in general, and the media have made in shaping her personality. In addition, she has her own vision of herself, but it is rarely realized. And this is where chapter thirteen can help as well.

An individual chart consists of at least fifteen different factors that astrology works with, such as the sun sign, moon sign, ascendant, ecliptic, elements, qualities, planetary aspects, Arabic counting, midpoints, and many others. But since this book is not devoted to the technique of astrological forecasting, but to other things, here you will not find discussions on the topic of which planets, in addition to the ruling one, influence each image of a woman. Here, only the final results are taken into account, and I leave the explanation of the process of coming to them for the next time. I am quite sure that every reader will find in the book "Sex and Astrology" an accurate description of her inner self.

The women who will read this book do not need to know anything about astrology in order to learn a lot of useful things for themselves. In the same way, they do not need to know their own charts to understand the meaning of what is said here and learn how to act.


Each of the thirteen chapters is preceded by a list of character traits. All these lists contain thirty-five characteristics characteristic of each type of woman. Since most women know what type they are, I advise readers to turn to the chapter relating to her sign and read the list. If thirty or more of the listed traits apply to her, then this chapter probably describes her accurately. Then she should read it first.

If the reader feels that the list of characteristics of this sun sign does not describe her, then I advise you to look at other lists. She will find the one that suits her, and then she should start with him, no matter what her sun sign is.

The reader should not worry if she finds herself in the description of some points in other chapters. All of these are universal bonds, as well as universal issues that many types of women share. This is the meaning of sisterhood. Finding herself in more than one chapter should only reinforce her sense that she is not alone. And if she can use the advice from different chapters, the more power will be added to her! As the famous astrologer Alan Aeo said: “Each particle of the whole reflects the whole within itself. Thus, each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac reflects the entire Zodiac within itself.


The reader who finds that one chapter describes her as she was five years ago and another chapter matches her current self is on the right track. For this book is designed to show the richest potential for development in the life of every woman. She will help her see where this woman began her journey and show her the way forward.

For example, a reader in her twenties may be in the solar sign of Scorpio, but recognizes herself at this point in time as Aries Woman. You shouldn't be embarrassed. I am convinced that this simply means that she is more of an Aries than a Scorpio, or that she is going through an Aries phase. This phase may change over time. By reading the book Stars, Woman, Sex, this woman will gain valuable knowledge about herself as she is now, and about the direction in which she should move further.

Another example. A woman in a state of constant change is a reader after forty years of age and belongs to the sign of Capricorn. The chapter on Capricorn may describe her head to head, but in reality she is unhappy in life and wants to change it. In this book, she will find the insights that illuminate her inner self and the practical advice she needs to analyze not only herself, but also the sister she may want to surpass. Let's say she wants to be more like a fiery lion. She only needs to read the chapter on Leo to see if it is worth trying to fulfill her fantasy and how this can be achieved.

Another reader may reconsider her life and come to the conclusion that she has gone through many phases and the way of life in which she now exists brings her a sense of comfort. In this case, "Stars, woman, sex" expresses its full approval to her.

A woman today is a complex person living in a difficult era. Her needs are often throw her into confusion. She is under tremendous pressure to become an independent person, but may find it difficult to break away from her childhood indoctrination and dependence on a man. Her perception and status are in constant flux, and society has done very little to prepare her for life in a post-contraceptive world of inequity - a world of futur shock (psychological - a shock caused by a sharp change in living conditions, e.g. etc. - Approx. per.)

I am convinced that my phase-by-phase approach is of great importance, because the modern woman can no longer fall under the old stereotypes and can no longer be taken for granted. She is a wife, mother, partner, daughter, lover, friend, professional. She is also a whore, a saint, an angel, a devil, a muse, an Amazon. It must be remembered that women (and men too) are in a constant process of change. Women today have more choices than ever before. She changes quickly and experiences more stress. This book takes this factor into account.


In my opinion, a woman who claims that her sun sign does not suit her should be able to try on a different astrological type, and she should be supported in this. She must also not be afraid to break with other potentially harmful stereotypes. As I have stated before, I am convinced that a woman should be freed from the feeling that her sun sign is her character carved in stone.

There are other reasons why I don't base Stars, Woman, Sex on the sun signs. The description of the sun sign, while being a good way for a beginner to get acquainted with astrology, is too simplistic. It is convenient because most people know their sun sign, but it is only one of many factors that are taken into account when charting. An astrologer, an adherent of holism, a philosophy of wholeness, draws up and interprets a chart based on at least the following symbols: ten planets (although we call them stars), the ascendant, the axis of the ecliptic and the lunar points of intersection of orbits. Improved charts and transitions are also linked to birth charts to provide a complete understanding of the individual at the moment.

I also I see technical problems connected with the astrology of sun signs. Firstly, people born on transitional days, on the so-called horns of the moon, usually do not know which sign they belong to. A woman born exactly on the horn of the Moon, say Aquarius / Pisces, in order to determine whether she is Aquarius or Pisces (by the sun sign), needs to know the exact time of birth and make a chart for that time. The Sun moves from sign to sign at different times each year, and sometimes even the date of the Moon's horn can change by a day.

If she does not know the time of her birth, the astrologer must use a complex method called "tuning" to determine what time it could be. Tuning is a technique that works backwards in time. It uses dates of great importance in the client's life in order to arrive at the correct time of birth. Unfortunately, there are many tuning methods, and two astrologers using different methods can come up with different birth times and, accordingly, make different charts for the same person.

Another problem is historical. There is a group of astrologers called siderealists who work

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