Message: #327038
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Mar 2018, 00:31

Quick Shooter

The male orgasm is very interesting and peculiar. He can torment his partner for hours without reaching the peak, or maybe vice versa. Either one of these cases is pretty unfortunate. At the moment, almost every fifth man faces the problem of premature ejaculation. While the girls are just beginning to prepare for pleasure, the men are already rushing in for a landing, as a result, only one has an orgasm. What to do with this problem? First you need to establish the cause, after which you can already look for options to solve this issue.

Causes of premature ejaculation
At the moment, there are many causes of premature ejaculation. According to doctors, it all depends on the age, sexual activity of partners, experience in sex, as well as the novelty of the relationship. So, consider the main reasons why a man becomes a quick-shooter.

It may be a small sexual experience. It is unlikely that a young guy will show any significant results for the first time. Do not worry in this case, because very soon he will turn into a wonderful lover. As statistics show, every second representative of the stronger sex is afraid of embarrassing himself in bed with a new partner. And in this case, there is no need to panic, a normal girl will adequately respond and reassure her partner. The next attempt will definitely end in success. Sometimes they become a quick-shooter because of the inability to control an erection.

Today you can find a lot of different literature, which tells how you can prolong sexual intercourse. It’s just that some representatives of the stronger sex are sure that it is extremely difficult and decide to avoid sexual intercourse or let everything take its course. But this is the only way to earn a bunch of complexes. Psychological problems (depression, self-doubt) are also a common cause. A man is already subconsciously preparing for failure. The speed gun starts to panic, to worry a lot. To break this vicious circle, you should contact a specialist.

In the presence of this problem, it is necessary to check with an endocrinologist and be examined by other specialists. Premature ejaculation may indicate the presence of any serious disease, curing which you can return to form. More one reason can be called hypersensitivity. The rapid firer fires quickly and finishes quickly. Experts advise in this case to have sex without foreplay or to wear two condoms. It is much more difficult to deal with such a congenital problem as a short frenulum. It is worth seeking the advice of a specialist.

Try to prevent beriberi and lack of nutrients and elements in the body, so as not to become a quick shooter. You need to include fish, vitamins, steamed meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits in your diet. At the same time, you will also have to give up salty, fried, fatty, spicy, smoked and other unhealthy foods that can lead to premature ejaculation. Most often, erection and ejaculation problems are faced by men who abuse alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

What if the guy is a quick shooter?
The disorder in most men is mainly psychological in nature. In order for the sex life to return to normal, it will be necessary to eliminate all psychological problems: depression, fear of failure with a partner, stress. Men who practice masturbation or extreme sex may also develop some psychiatric disorders. It’s all about the fear of being caught, as a result, the minimum duration of sexual intercourse becomes the norm. In this case, you just need to seek help from a professional psychologist or psychotherapist.

An important role can be played by the behavior of the partner. With an understanding woman, a man gains self-confidence, overcoming all difficulties. If the cause of premature ejaculation is health problems, then it is recommended to contact a specialist as soon as possible and undergo the necessary examination. In most cases, after successful treatment, sexual life returns to normal.

If a man has become a quick-shooter due to the increased sensitivity of the head of the penis, then taking certain medications, which include substances that slow down the work of nerve endings, can give a positive result. As a result, sensitivity is slightly reduced and it takes longer to reach orgasm. Tablets begin to act already 30 minutes after administration and the effect lasts about 6-10 hours.

You can also use topical medications – lubricants or sprays that are applied some time before sexual intercourse. The active substance of such drugs are anesthetics that reduce sensitivity. The effect in this case lasts up to an hour. Today, in pharmacies, you can buy condoms already applied with an anesthetic lubricant. It is worth noting that after putting on the outside of the condom, wipe it off and apply a regular silicone lubricant so as not to reduce the sensitivity of the vagina. In the most extreme case, they resort to surgical intervention: circumcision of the foreskin or denervation of the glans penis.

Sometimes a change in diet and various herbal teas can prolong sexual intercourse. There are many herbs that can reduce a partner’s arousal and sensitivity. Infusions and decoctions of hop cones, motherwort or oak bark have a sedative effect. More можно заваривать листки малины и смородины, цветки календулы, зверобой и душицу. Remember that up to 15 mg of zinc should enter the male body per day, since this trace element affects the duration of sexual intercourse. Zinc is rich in foods such as peanuts, chocolate, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, fresh eggs, liver, legumes, and wheat germ.

Some exercises can help with the problem of premature ejaculation. One of the most effective techniques for developing the ability to control ejaculation is the compression technique. Before the onset of orgasm, you need to squeeze the head of the penis for 15-20 seconds and reduce arousal. With the help of several such short breaks, you can significantly prolong sexual intercourse.

The next technique is based on successive stimulations of the penis and a stop just before the denouement. Try not to have an orgasm for at least 10-15 minutes. After about 2 months, you will be able to control the duration of sexual contact. As you know, a condom can reduce sensitivity, so to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, you can simply use this remedy.

During proximity, it is recommended that rapid shooters switch their attention for a couple of seconds until the excitement partially subsides, then you can resume functions again. As you know, representatives the fair sex needs a little more time to achieve orgasm, so sexual intercourse should be started only after she is sufficiently excited. So you will increase the probability of simultaneous satisfaction several times.

As you can see, there are quite a few treatments for premature ejaculation. It is only necessary to correctly establish the cause of the disorder and choose the most effective method in this case.

Message: #1293579
Саша Калиостро » 05 Nov 2020, 10:16

Reply To: Quick Shooter

Скорострел, как бороться с проблемой преждевременной эякуляции

Скорострел, торопыга, спринтер, поспешайка – огромное количество обидных и злых прозвищ было придумано про мужчин с проблемой преждевременной эякуляции.

Существует ли она вообще эта проблема? Как бороться с проблемой преждевременной эякуляции, как определить и обезвредить это ужасное состояние?

Преждевременная эякуляция – невозможность контролировать семяизвержение в степени, достаточной для получения обоими партнерами удовлетворения от полового акта. Соответственно, это обозначение мы сразу можем безрезультатно и бесконечно оспаривать, говоря также о возможности наличия каких-либо временных норм длительности полового контакта.

Своевременная эякуляция – это мужской оргазм, который произошел вовремя! Ты успел получить удовольствие сам и при этом оргазменно удовлетворил свою партнершу. Как быстро у тебя получается этого добиваться?

Это уже твоя личная особенность или, возможно, талант. Один и тот же мужчина в разных ситуациях и с разными женщинами может быть быстр, как кролик, а может быть медлителен, как черепаха.

Информация для любителей цифр и точных вычислений

Об абсолютной преждевременной эякуляции можно говорить тогда, когда продолжительность полового акта составляет менее 2 минут. Об относительной преждевременной эякуляции – когда продолжительность полового акта более 2 минут, однако его продолжительность не достаточна для получения обоими партнерами сексуального удовлетворения.

Несмотря на то, что подавляющее большинство мужчин не склонны к разговорам на тему «скорострела», статистам все-таки удалось установить, что подобная проблема знакома более чем 30% мужчин (особенно молодого возраста).

Что может быть причиной этого заболевания?

высокая возбудимость нервной системы (врожденная или приобретенная вследствие ежедневной стрессовой нагрузки);
повышенная чувствительность головки полового члена;
различные повреждения спинного мозга;
воспалительные урологические заболевания, в том числе вызванные венерическими возбудителями (простатит, уретрит, воспаление семенного бугорка и прочие).

Какое лечение поможет избавиться от нарушения эякуляции или проблемы быстрого семяизвержения?

психотерапевтическое (обучение методам контроля);
медикаментозное (лечение заболеваний, вызвавших ускоренное или самопроизвольное семяизвержение: воспаление предстательной железы, повышенная возбудимость нервной системы и прочее);
оперативное (пластика короткой уздечки полового члена, обрезание крайней плоти, денервация полового члена).

Таким образом, проблема ускоренного семяизвержения, к сожалению, существует и встречается достаточно часто. Это заболевание не убивает мужчину физически, но может полностью уничтожить его морально.

Отсутствие возможности полноценно сексуально удовлетворить женщину в итоге отравляет не только собственное оргазменное удовольствие, но и повседневную жизнь мужчины. Она становится для него неполноценной.

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