Message: #269848
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:31

Dad is special forces. Mission Possible. A short course for a young father. Neil Sinclair

in the base camp and on the march.

• Notкоторые полезные занятия для бойцов при переброске войск.


Golden rules for organizing leisure time for personnel
• The most favorite pastime of fighters of any age is to play with their parents. Whatever you offer them, they will be delighted. I guarantee.

• Fighters love to sing and love to be sung to. This is an appreciative audience. Clear your throat. Sing it!

• Remember your favorite childhood games - hide and seek, tag, loaf, "a woman sowed peas" and so on. Generations of fighters grew up on them - and yours will like them too.

• Older fighters who already know how to speak like to not only hide, but also seek. Not обязательно вас или других бойцов. You can search for anything. Including various objects in the pictures in the book: birds, cows, Christmas trees, cars, and so on - ad infinitum.

• Not спешите приобщать рядовых к электронным гаджетам. Offline games develop the imagination much better.

What to do with the fighters in the base camp
Are you unable to be with your fighters seven days a week, 24 hours a day? Do you have too many other things to do and worries? Not терзайте себя напрасными упреками и не тратьте душевные силы на негативные эмоции! After all, you are doing everything to become the best father for your fighters. Just when you manage to be with them together, try to give them maximum attention.

• Every day, be sure to set aside time that you will devote exclusively to communicating with the fighters.

• Not сдерживайте инициативу своих бойцов (не забывая о требованиях безопасности). Keep in mind: pastel colors, pleasant to the commanders, do not like the rank and file. Byкупайте игрушки ярких контрастных цветов.

• Arm yourself with CDs of audiobooks and children's music and listen to them together.

• Read to the fighters. Not важно что – детские книжки, футбольные репортажи, газеты, письма. Most importantly, read every day!


Set aside!

• Going too far in entertaining the fighters. For them, the main thing is to understand that you are near. Enjoy each other's company, chat, sing, fool around, mess around and have fun.

• Lisping and distorting words. Talk to them in a normal human tone.

• Say words you don't would like to hear from the rank and file. And they will certainly repeat them as soon as they learn to speak.


The older the recruit becomes, the more diverse activities can be offered to him. Just remember to use common sense. If the recruit smiles and laughs, then he likes the new game. If he frowns or whimpers, and you know for sure that he does not want to sleep, eat, drink and does not stain his diaper, then he does not like the game. Everything is simple.


Byвторяющиеся рутинные действия создают атмосферу безопасности. recruits растут, и в них с каждым днем крепнет стремление исследовать новые горизонты. Byощряйте их любознательность, но избегайте слишком резких перемен.


If you cannot be present at the ritual of evening bedtime, record your favorite tales of a fighter on a voice recorder. Let him listen to your voice before going to bed.

Entertainment in the base camp
There are many ways to keep fighters entertained with exciting games.

• Byйдите в сад или в парк. In nature, you can not only play hide and seek, but also, for example, listen to bird voices.

• Fighters often enjoy noisy activities. Byйте с ними песни, подражайте голосам животных.

• Play ball. Byка рядовые не научатся бросать его и ловить, пусть просто катают.

• Collect puzzles together.

For older fighters, there is even more entertainment.

• Arrange a small garden in the garden or on the windowsill. The younger the private, the faster the seedlings should appear (so that his interest does not fade away) - sow watercress or sunflower seeds.

• Cook meals together. Privates love to help out in the field kitchen. Start with something very simple - for example, ask a fighter to spread jam on a slice of bread. Not беспокойтесь, что он перепачкается. It is easy to wash your hands and the table, but the joy of your assistant will have no boundaries!

• Play cubes, dominoes, "train", "edible-inedible", "hot-cold", arrange a puppet tea party.

• Write postcards. Byдросшим рядовым нравится самим рисовать открытки и рассылать их родственникам и знакомым.

A toy can be anything a fighter enjoys fiddling with, from an empty cardboard box to a fancy electronic device. Not поддавайтесь на провокации рекламы и не покупайте бойцу игрушки только потому, что «все их покупают». The best gift for a fighter your daily care and attention.


Fighters older than three years old grow not only out of clothes, but also out of toys, although the toys remain in good condition. Before you spend money on buying toys for a recruit, find out if they can be "inherited" from relatives and friends. Wash plastic toys with hot soapy water. Plush is better to buy new.

Fighters of all ages love toys that make sounds, especially musical ones. Make sure that the fighter does not turn on many sound toys at the same time - take care of preserving the nerve cells of the rest of the personnel.

Fighters don't play with all the toys at once. Leave two or three of his favorites within reach and add a few more of different types to them so that the fighter has a choice. Not загромождайте базовый лагерь грудами дорогих игрушек, к которым боец может даже не притронуться.


Swapping toys with children of friends and acquaintances is a great way to diversify a fighter's leisure time. If any of the “rented” toys has really sunk into the fighter’s soul, make him happy by giving him exactly the same one for his birthday or New Year.

On his birthday and New Year, an avalanche of toys falls on the fighter. "Givers" don't necessarily know which toys are right for your fighter's age. Припрячьте те из них, что подарены «на вырост»: наборы для рисования, пластилин, раскраски и т. д. Toys, из которых ваш боец явно вырос, раздайте детям знакомых или передайте на благотворительность.

TV shows
TV can be a great help in the education of your fighter. Just make sure he's not the only one. Strictly dose the time that the fighters spend in front of the TV screen. Children's channels have great programs. Watch them together.

Cartoons and children's films
Family viewing of children's films is one of the best ways for the entire staff to spend time together. The fighters will soon have their favorite cartoons and heroes, so get ready to watch the same thing many times in a row. Let the fighter say what he wants to watch - this will teach him to make a choice. When the fighter grows up, it will be possible to play role-playing games based on your favorite cartoons with him (for example: "Let's play like you're Pinocchio").


Video cassettes have lost their former popularity and are often sold at flea markets and online retailers at bargain prices. If you've already thrown away your VCR, buy a used one.

Entertainment on the march
During joint trips, you will have to deal with emergency situations more than once or twice. Be prepared for any surprises. So that the fighters sit calmly on the road, master finger games and other games that do not involve running around with them.

If you are taking toys or games on the march, choose the simplest ones.



• Keep all your toy equipment in one place. For example, put it in a bag and put it in a duffel bag.

• When you go on the road, grab a couple of age-appropriate interactive toys for your recruit. Recruits like toys that are pleasant to the touch and make pleasant sounds. No toys with sharp corners - remember: fighters put everything in their mouths!
Set aside!

• Take with you games consisting of small parts - half will certainly be lost.

• Pick up too many toys. Not превращайтесь в ишака, груженного мешком с игрушками.


Electronic gadgets
Electronic devices are a good way to entertain a private on the march. Use them from time to time when you need to do something urgent or just take a break. Here are some helpful ideas.

A tablet with records of the fighter's favorite films.

• Laptop. Download cartoons to your hard drive. Where Internet access is available, go to children's online gaming sites.

• MP3 player with recordings of your favorite songs or audio fairy tales. In order not to disturb other passengers, put on headphones for the private. It is strictly forbidden for a recruit to wear headphones!

• Mobile phone. Load children's songs or fairy tales into it in advance and let it listen on the road. Give the fighter a phone when you feel that his mood is starting to deteriorate.

Take chargers with you. In the car, some of them can be charged from the cigarette lighter. With a splitter, you can charge several devices at the same time. If you are traveling by intercity bus, train or plane, find out if you will be able to connect to the network. When going abroad, purchase a suitable adapter in advance.

Not скучаем на прогулке
Try to keep the recruit located in wheelchair facing you. He will be calmer, and it will be easier for you to entertain him. Make faces for him. Puff out your cheeks. Smile. Chat. Not переусердствуйте с мобилями, иначе вам будет трудно сдвинуть коляску с места!


It is harmful for a recruit to lie in a wheelchair or in a car seat for a long time. When traveling by car, stop every two hours or so to pick up a recruit. The same applies to travel by public transport.

Not скучаем в машине
The car is not the


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