Message: #293540
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:33

Trade Chaos. Bill M. Williams

"плавание по течению реки" (Рисунок 11-7). WITHама по себе жизнь (рынок) воспринимается как опорный механизм. You just can't be wrong. Когда у вас появляется necessaryходимость найти место для стоянки в деловой части города, как оно тут же магически появляется. Everything in life seems to be created for your pleasure. Это абсолютная противоположность мироощущения левого полушария, где все пожирают друг другA.

Having translated all three components of the brain into computer vocabulary, we could say that the left hemisphere is a programmer and software software, the central part is the central processing unit (CPU), and the right hemisphere is a universal modem that connects this processor with all other processors in the universe.

The right hemisphere is the least known and least understood component of the nervous system. We cannot even approximately determine the power that

Figure 11-7 Right hemisphere world

which this hemisphere possesses. Its power seems almost limitless.

The uniqueness of the right hemisphere is determined not only by its power, but also by its seemingly unlimited ability to absorb knowledge. Probably, here it is appropriate to recall the words of Galileo, who said 300 years ago: "You cannot teach someone something: everything that you can open for him is already inside him." Some religions address precisely this side of human nature. Christianity says: "The kingdom of God is within us." In the Buddhist religion, it sounds something like this: "If a person is not able to turn to himself, then to whom should he turn?"

The right hemisphere may include knowledge and representation of the Universe in a holographic (volume-spatial) performance. Если это предположение хотя бы частично верно, мы, конечно же, хотели бы получить доступ к этому источнику для использования в нашей trade. But how can we achieve this? By excluding our left hemisphere, which means: avoiding the use of language, language, forgetting the time, giving up complex conclusions and, in addition, just having a good time. How achievable is such a shift in values: moving to trading based on reason, and will it not prove to be a difficult disappointment over time?

Chart 11-8 shows the various mind balances and how their combinations affect trading. For example, those left-brain-dominated traders who trade mainly with it lose because they are in constant fear and are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Торгующие с помощью центральной части мозга, теряют по причине безрассудствA. Those who trade using their right brain are losing because of poor fund management.

Figure 11-8 Three-brain model with overlays

If a trader trades, simultaneously using both the left hemisphere and the central part brain, but he does not use the right hemisphere enough, then he has a lack of intuition, insight and inspiration. If any trader in his trading does not rely sufficiently on the capabilities of the left hemisphere, then his actions may be characterized by insufficient thoroughness. If the central part of the brain is not involved in trading, then a trader with such features will experience a lack of self-confidence. As far as it becomes clear from looking at the model, it is that the most profitable and efficient way to trade is to use all three parts of the brain, thus creating an entirely "attentive" trading. We are looking for a better understanding of how we should mix these three types of brain in our trading practice. In Level Five we will explore four possible "software" for our mental departments to use when we trade.

One of the most interesting characteristics of your inhabitants, who make up the internal economic research service, is that you can always tell which of them is dominant at a given time. Your образ мыслей по отношению к мирозданию в этот момент всегда сообщат вам совершенно точно, кто из них (отделов мозга) является ведущим и определяет ситуацию для вас. Если в данный момент жизнь представляется вам борьбой, вы сосредоточены на времени, разговорах и формулировках, желаете платить любую цену за правильные поступки и/or вам не до удовольствий, то можно определенно сказать, что доминирует и является ответственным за все ваше левое полушарие. Если, с другой стороны, ваша жизнь состоит из повторяющихся серий взлетов и падений, вы физически здоровы и позволяете себе развлечься, то у вас доминирует центральная часть головного мозгA. If life is a full cup of honey and everything in the world seems to be conducive to giving you exactly what you want, then you are in the hands of the right hemisphere.


At the Fourth Level, we go beyond the boundaries of classical physics and the world order according to Aristotle. The science of chaos has given us insight into the nature of both the market and ourselves. We now understand that we are a microcosm of the market and we have very similar characters and behavioral patterns. Это дает нам лучшее понимание того, как обращаться с рынком и, что более важно, наше собственное поведение внутри самого market.

We now know that most traders lose because they do not use their full mental capacity in the way they were biologically destined to use it. Они обладают всеми necessaryходимыми инструментами. Просто каждый раз они выбирают неправильные области мозга для своей работы на market.

Также мы узнали, что нашим самым большим врагом в торговле является вовсе не рынок, не программная торговля, не большие объемы сделок or "брокеры на полу". Our biggest enemy is the misuse of our own left brain. When we engage the left brain in trading, it always creates fear and fear of making the wrong move at the wrong time. The function that creates the most difficulty is the left hemisphere of the brain itself, internally and originally designed to create problems. It creates a front-to-back structure. Winning creates loss because the left brain is working to create problems. If there are no problems, then the left hemisphere must create them in order to keep itself busy.

WITHамым большим опасением для левого полушария является страх за собственное существование. If there are no problems that need to be solved, and they cannot be created on their own, then the left hemisphere can simply be "set aside". The key here is to work with different substructures that have very different attitudes towards the absence of problems.

We know that the power of the right hemisphere can approach infinity. Ничто в нашей системе образования не концентрируется на нем or не развивает эту, наиболее мощную часть нашего биологического оснащения. It develops naturally, accustoming our left hemisphere to this by training it.

At this trading level, continued improvement in results is 99 percent from liberation, and only 1 percent from more learning.

Mozart, one of the most outstanding composers of all time, said that his music always comes to him in an instant. Он не слышал ее от начала до конца, все это происходило в течение одного удара сердцA. Time and space are elastic and malleable when they processed by the right hemisphere.

Интересно обратить внимание на то, что современная физика, со всеми затраченными на нее миллиардами долларов и огромными человеческими ресурсами, задействованных для продвижения исследований, приходит к тем же самым заключениям, что и древние созерцатели, достигавшие их через внутреннее изучение собственных мыслей и reason.

Assuming all of the above is true, how can we use all of this for our lives and trade? We will explore this issue in the next chapter as we will see what an Expert Advisor does and how it thinks and trades.


1. What are the three principles of communication that apply both to the market and to individuals - ordinary people?

2. What anatomical type defines your structure?

3. What word can represent your dominant characteristic?

4. Going back to question 3, how could you frame your trade to be the most efficient; and also: what are you looking for?

5. What three different traders live in you?

6. List five behaviors that are unique to the left hemisphere.

7. What are the two main functions of the left hemisphere?

8. What role does the left brain play in your trading?

9. Why do you lose when you trade with your left brain?

10. How much stronger is the central part of the brain than the left hemisphere?

11. What activities are controlled by the central part of the brain?

12. How powerful is the right brain?

13. In reminding the purpose of the right hemisphere, what are the three "I am"?



Since absolutely no one knows why we borrow

dominance on earth, then I think that

make the most of your time,

allotted to us.

Coat of arms of Kane "Column", 6 October 1992


Now you are approaching the pinnacle of excellence, where almost everything you do contributes to your growth, satisfaction, profit and pleasure. You have traveled a path that experience has shown to be possible for a very small number of ordinary people, and also for less than 1/6 of all traders. Вы исследовали и теперь понимаете основную структуру market. This knowledge allows you to consistently achieve success. You also analyzed your own basic and usually invisible structure. Выравнивая свою собственную основную структуру со структурой рынка, вы в состоянии достигать выигрыша постоянно, двигаясь по пути least resistance.

In this chapter, you trade using your state of mind. This Olympic level of trading combines many of the hallmarks of champions in any field, including sports. Remember how Michael Jordan makes his shots? Он сначала смотрит на корзину, потом - вниз, на пол, пока баскетбольный мяч три раза отскакивает от полA. Почему всегда именно три раза, а никогда не четыре or два? It was his way of getting rid of his left brain and letting his center and right brain take over. He taught them for many years


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