Message: #293540
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:33

Trade Chaos. Bill M. Williams

While I was finishing this manuscript, I received a letter from him from New Zealand. He thanked me for giving him this opportunity to direct his life only in the ways that he chooses. I quote here only the last line from that letter:

"... This (trading) is the greatest pleasure that I have ever experienced in my life, since the very cradle."

Keep it up, Chip!


The focus of this book is on the highest levels of spiritual development that a person can aspire to. Moreover: they are so high that they are infinitely more desirable than our very existence. Here the fundamental secret doctrine is set forth, known and understood only by the initiated, standing on a par with alchemy, the Bhagavad Gita, притчами Иисуса, учением полного сочувствия Будды, тайны Золотого цветка, построения общества по Platoу, "Упанишад", а также неисчислимого числа других сокровенных и светских текстов.

Движение к этим, более высоким, уровням вовлекает два дополнительных процессA. First: discovery, the goal of which is a higher level of consciousness that exists and is achievable. Second: the true achievement of the goal.

Две истории из Библии иллюстрируют эти две стадии процессA. The first tells about "treasures hidden in the field, which the man found and wrapped in a hat. Then, rejoicing, he went and sold everything he had and bought the field." The second story is about "a merchant looking for fine pearls, who, when he saw one precious pearl, went and sold everything he had to buy it." In each of these stories, there is an initiating discovery, a first stage, and then a second stage following it, in which there is a personal sacrifice of previously formed beliefs, as well as leaving old attachments in order to properly realize a new opportunity.

Когда человек (неважно, является ли он трейдером or нет) выходит за границы своих обычных возможностей, в его сознании происходят наиболее поразительные изменения понятий: он обнаруживает, что существует глубокий смысл единствA. WITHмысл того, что вообще все вещи находятся в тесной взаимосвязи. All of them are an integral part of a single whole. Just as the different facets of a gemstone are two dimensional expressions of a simple three dimensional shape, so are different purposes and even what we experience (in the sublime state) are specific three dimensional expressions of reality.

WITHмысл всеединства на рынке распространяется даже и на восприятие времени. Instead of perceiving a sequence of different moments and movements occurring within these brief moments of time, the trader in this state experiences everything as a whole, which is an organic part of the eternal, unceasing movement / moment. Time no longer flows and passes. It seems to have stopped. WITHобытия все еще сохраняют свою последовательность, но кажется, что это происходит "вне времени". The effect of this stoppage of time is a conspicuous sign of calmness and stability. It was this meaning that don Juan was trying to convey to Castaneda when he spoke of "stopping the world." In short, the cessation of the passage of time does not occur separately from deep healthy feelings of excellent experiences, but an integral part of these feelings is the other side of experience, which, above all, strives for unity. When all things are perceived as a single fact, everything is placed in a single place, all disparate markets seem to be a single market, then the idea of ​​a difference in place / markets (which is the idea of ​​three-dimensional space) is perceived as an illusion.

It just seems like time is like a river. WITHкорее, это огромный пейзаж, по которому перемещается взгляд наблюдателя.
Thornton Wilder
Day Eight

WITHпасибо, что читали книгу на форуме Бакши buckshee-WITHпорт, авто, финансы, недвижимость. Healthy lifestyle. Enjoy reading! Online store, sports nutrition, cosmetics, website Online clothing store Online shoe store Online store Development of online stores. WITHоздание корпоративных сайтов. Integration, Hosting. Philosophy, philosophers of the world, philosophical currents. Biography Enjoy reading!



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