Message: #293546
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:38

Millionaire Traders: How to Beat the Wall Street Pros in Their Own Field. Katty Lin, Boris Schlossberg

stress and doubt increase tenfold if those you love do not believe in you. All успешные трейдеры, с которыми мы беседовали, были либо абсолютно независимы, либо пользовались поддержкой семьи. The example of Paul Willett confirms this pattern. Paul was able to go through the school of playing on the stock exchange thanks to his wife - she got a job and provided for the family while he, staying at home, learned to trade. This is a very unusual story. People who are ready to support a marriage partner in such a risky undertaking are rare. But fortunately for both, Paul's career ended up being very successful, providing livelihood and freedom for the entire family. Still, Paul acknowledges the precarious nature of such work. So, having quarreled with his wife the night before, he prefers to refrain from trading. Traders are like athletes or actors - to achieve good results, they need inner balance. Playing on the stock exchange requires not only concentration, but, more importantly, peace of mind. Although the support of loved ones does not guarantee success, hostility on their part almost always leads to failure.

Be attentive to the little things
Paul Willett's strategy is not overly complex. No indicators modified to your liking, no complex statistical algorithms. He торгует, ориентируясь на тело свечи, не обращая внимания на фитили, и хотя у него есть собственные критерии для входа в рынок, его правила закрытия позиций предельно просты. Paul leaves at least part of the position open until the trend reverses. Simply put, when playing for a fall, he closes the position only if the high of the previous candle is broken. When bullish, it closes the position only when it breaks the low of the previous candle. Note that Paul relies on the classic definition of a trend, where an uptrend means higher lows and a downtrend means lower highs. Applying this approach when working with a stable trend, Paul exits the market in stages, which allows you to get a good profit from the remaining very small part of the position. Although Paul's approach is extremely simple, he achieves excellent results by methodically implementing his plans.

Don't overdo deals
One of the most common mistakes traders make, especially when it comes to quick speculation, is over-trading. Almost every trader sins with this, and such a mistake can be very costly, especially in markets with high commissions, such as electronic futures trading. Let's take a regular $10,000 account opened for electronic trading of e-mini futures. By making 20 trades on just one contract during the day, you will pay $5 in commission for each complete transaction, which is $100 per day, even if you break even on all trades. After 20 days, the amount in the account will decrease by 20 percent only because of the commission. Paul's strongest traits as a trader are his discipline and selectivity in making trades. As he himself says, there are two or three tangible price jumps in the market per day. Avoiding unnecessary transactions, Paul only uses situations in which the probability of success is very high, which minimizes his operational costs.

CHAPTER eleven
Marcelino Livian
Когда мы спросили Marcelino Livianа — он называет себя просто Ливиан, — как он подходит к торговле на FOREX, он ответил: «Я никогда не проигрываю». Most of us are not averse to boasting the same results. Livian, who has received 80 percent of the profits over the past four years, seems to have reached quite a decent level. He начал торговать на FOREX в начале 1990-х, почти за десять лет до того, как торги стали вестись через Интернет, и может рассказать, как трудно было обменять одну валюту на другую и открыть счет в местном банке, чтобы заработать на процентах. Today, he has completely switched to e-commerce and successfully maintains his income at the level of 20 percent per year. However, the most interesting thing about his story is not the trade itself, but how it strengthened his family. He состоит в браке уже 29 лет и имеет троих прекрасных детей. Both Livian and his wife look much younger than their years. With the help of the financial market, Livian made his now-adult children understand the importance of making money work and not just sit idle in the bank. Today, currency trading has become not only a topic of conversation at the family table - children with great interest discuss it with their father on the phone during the week. Success in FOREX allowed Livian not only to make capital, but, more importantly, to unite the family.

It was a lucky coincidence that helped us to interview him - Livian and his wife, who live in Spain, came to New York during their vacation, and we invited them to our office.

IN: Ливиан, не могли бы вы рассказать немного о себе?

ABOUT: Я занимаюсь предпринимательством с 19 лет. Business takes me only 10-12 hours a week. This allows me to trade FOREX for about four hours a day. During the week I devote about 25 hours to the financial markets. FOREX has become a part of my life and the life of my family. I was so successful in currency trading that I persuaded my wife and children to open their own FOREX trading accounts, of course, without leaving my main job.

IN: Какой бизнес оставляет вам столько свободного времени?

ABOUT: Мое основное занятие — связи с общественностью, при этом я помогаю жене управлять сетью салонов красоты, — всего их 35. Кроме того, мы ввозим из Китая фены и принадлежности для ванной. I became interested in stock trading because it allows you not just to put money in the bank, where they lie without movement, but it makes it possible to make them work and multiply the fruits of their labors.

IN: Каким был ваш первый опыт на поприще трейдинга? What пробудило у вас интерес к нему?

ABOUT: Пятнадцать лет назад никто в Испании не торговал на FOREX и не занимался валютными операциями. We didn't have the euro back then. But even then I began to be interested in fluctuations in exchange rates, to exchange one currency for another and, in fact, tried to speculate on the expected changes in the exchange rate.

IN: Валюта была первым продуктом, которым вы попытались торговать?

ABOUT: Нет, я начал с торговли на Чикагской товарной бирже — кофе и сахар, затем переключился на фондовые рынки и лишь потом стал торговать валютой.

IN: Как давно вы начали торговать на товарной бирже и почему выбрали именно этот рынок?

ABOUT: Шестнадцать или семнадцать лет назад. I have не было соответствующего образования, я просто хотел попробовать что-то новое. I was looking for where to start. I became interested in the price of coffee, and then in Brazil, which produces and exports half of the coffee in the world, there was a very poor harvest. And I knew that coffee prices would go up. I decided to take advantage of this and that's when I started trading.

IN: Откуда у вас появилось желание торговать? Has anyone in your family done this?

ABOUT: Нет, до сих пор никто. I have очень простая, небогатая семья. No one in it before me was engaged in trade. I came to this purely intuitively. I'm bad at basketball, but there are those who play it well. But in my gut, I felt there was something I could excel at.

IN: С какой суммы вы начали, когда стали торговать кофе?

ABOUT: Около 8000 dollars.

IN: Это были ваши сбережения или деньги, взятые взаймы?

ABOUT: Мои сбережения.

IN: В то время вы были женаты?

Oh yeah.

IN: Как отнеслась к вашим планам жена?

ABOUT: Очень хорошо. She, like me, liked the idea of ​​making money through the Internet. Whatбы сдвинуть с мертвой точки ее бизнес — салоны красоты — и начать зарабатывать на этом деньги, потребовались колоссальные усилия. Therefore, when we heard about the opportunity to make money by trading, which does not require vigilant attention, we decided that this suited us perfectly.

IN: Когда вы начали заниматься акциями, вы уже не торговали на товарной бирже или вы делали то и другое одновременно?

ABOUT: Взявшись за акции, я left the commodity exchange - with our infrastructure, it was more interesting to work with shares. But later I switched to currency trading because I saw that FOREX gave me direct access to the market. I can open a trading terminal and make a trade, and I don't have to call the broker and wait for him to execute the order and tell me the execution price, as happens with stocks.

IN: Когда вы начали торговать на FOREX?

ABOUT: Лет четырнадцать-пятнадцать назад, то есть в 1992-м или 1993 году.

IN: Спекулируя валютой в 1989-м или 1990-м году, вы просто переводили деньги с одного счета на другой, не занимаясь электронной торговлей?

ABOUT: Да, это было очень просто. I could at any time declare that I wanted to hold a certain amount in Spanish, French or Japanese currency, depending on the situation. Leverage did not exist at that time, you could only exchange one currency for another in a bank account.

IN: К каким прибылям вы стремились в то время?

ABOUT: Поначалу я не ставил перед собой каких-то определенных целей — я заинтересовался рынком FOREX по-настоящему и знал, что останусь на нем надолго.

IN: Каковы были в то время спреды?

ABOUT: Тогда они составляли 18-22 пункта. The cheapest thing was to trade the Japanese yen. The German mark and the British pound were much more expensive.

IN: Когда вы начали торговать через Интернет?

ABOUT: Около восьми лет назад, но не на своем компьютере. One of my banks had direct access to the currency exchange. I called them and they filled my orders. I myself started trading via the Internet just a couple of years ago.

IN: Как вы выбираете валюту для заключения сделки?

ABOUT: Я смотрю,


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