Message: #293546
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:38

Millionaire Traders: How to Beat the Wall Street Pros in Their Own Field. Katty Lin, Boris Schlossberg

be real scalpers. Are there any exceptions to this rule? Of course, there are plenty of trend-trading skiers and scalping fishermen. The main thing here is not skiing or fishing, but that everyone should know their strengths.

It is quite difficult for an adult to change himself. The proverb about the old dog that you can't teach new tricks can't be more true when it comes to trading. It is very difficult to radically change your personality in order to adapt to a particular style of trading.

By reading this book, you have had the opportunity to see that you can succeed by trading any product, applying any methods and focusing on any time frame. All мы разные, и ключ к успеху зависит не от длительности сделок или конкретного индикатора, а от их соответствия вашим индивидуальным особенностям. People who want to get rewarded as quickly as possible are generally not built for long-term trades and will get better results by watching short-term charts. For someone who is patient and willing to hold a position for several days or weeks, long-term trades are more suitable. Hussein Harnecker—яркий пример краткосрочного трейдера. His goal is to make 10 pips a day, and the bot he uses opens and closes positions within minutes. Marcelino Livian — его полная противоположность. He никуда не спешит и часто держит позиции по несколько месяцев.

All наши герои используют разные методы. Frankie Low и Paul Willett нацелены на крупные прибыли, точнее, на значительное число пунктов. Steve Ikou makes over 200 trades a day, many of which are almost non-existent because they are only meant to test market sentiment. He старается не идти на большой риск, но, если сделка движется в его пользу, он нацелен на крупные прибыли. Main - найти стратегию, которая эффективна для вас, и придерживаться ее в дальнейшем.

Knowing your strengths is extremely important, but successful traders are also well aware of their weaknesses. Ashkan Bolur, к примеру, торгует валютой только на нью-йоркской сессии, хотя рынок FOREX функционирует круглые сутки. At the same time, he concludes no more than two transactions per day. If two trades in a row turn out to be unprofitable, Ashkan stops trading, realizing that at the moment he is at odds with the market. He знает, что завтра будет новый день и он сможет взяться за дело со свежими силами. In fact, in order to succeed, it is important not only to be able to enter the market in a timely manner, but also to understand when not to trade, and for this you need to know your strengths and weaknesses.

Лучше всего эту мысль выразил Rob Booker — он сказал, что, несмотря на немалый опыт, он остался трейдером, который делает от 50 до 100 пунктов в неделю. If he goes beyond this limit, success begins to spin his head, and he loses his sense of proportion. All мы имеем нечто общее, нам нужно лишь определить свои возможности и использовать их себе во благо.

6. Tools for trading
Any a professional needs working tools, and in trading they can be divided into two categories: technical and analytical.

Technical tools
The technical equipment of trading is the most prosaic aspect of the game, but it is precisely this that often gives beginners a lot of trouble. Imagine stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brake when your car is parked against a garage wall, and you will understand how someone who mistakenly clicked the "Buy" instead of "Sell" button, or vice versa, feels. Mistakes while playing on the exchange immediately entail negative consequences. Worse, since almost all of us have a natural desire to avoid suffering, it is not uncommon for a novice trader to compound their mistakes by waiting instead of closing a losing trade.

Whatбы не допустить такого развития событий, трейдер должен попрактиковаться на демоплатформе хотя бы несколько недель, чтобы как следует освоить программное обеспечение. Almost all брокеры — на FOREX, фондовых рынках и рынках фьючерсов — позволяют трейдеру поработать с учебным счетом, чтобы научиться открывать и закрывать позиции и выставлять стоп-ордера с помощью соответствующего торгового терминала.

Having mastered the software, the trader must work with real money, entering into transactions of a small volume. On the stock market, these are lots of hundreds of shares; when it comes to futures or options, these are transactions for one contract; and on FOREX, these are mini-lots for 10,000 units of a particular currency. Why such small volumes? On this этапе новичок сможет испытать радости и огорчения, которые приносит работа с реальными деньгами, не подвергая себя чрезмерному риску.

What are the requirements for the equipment a trader uses? Although those we interviewed used very different levels of technical equipment, we have compiled a rough list of technical equipment for a professional trader:

1. Good стационарный компьютер, процессор от 2 ГГц, оперативная память не менее 1 Гб, жесткий диск от 100 Гб.

2. At least 19 inch flat screen monitor for viewing charts, price movements and various websites.

3. Broadband Internet connection - it is desirable that there are two such connections, for example, cable and DSL, in order to have a backup option. (Some use as a fallback laptop with wireless modem.)

4. A telephone with a speed dial button to contact your broker in case the electronic system fails at the moment when you need to close a position. The broker's phone number and your account details should be kept in a safe place and at your fingertips while you work.

Here's the technical side of things. Although this list may seem intimidating, technological advances have made most of the list quite affordable. In fact, there are few other types of business in the world that require such a modest initial investment.

Analytical tools
Now for the analytics. Some traders prefer to enter trades based solely on technical indicators - this requires good charting programs that allow you to use the power of technical analysis. In some markets, including FOREX, the broker makes most of the software available to you free of charge. But even traders who have more stringent requirements for such tools and want to use top-class products will not have to spend more than a few hundred dollars a month on them. Fundamental-based traders have a wide variety of sources at their disposal, from the Bloomberg terminal, which costs about $1,500 a month and supplies real-time economic data to almost any financial instrument in the world, to much cheaper news services that cost no more than $50 per month and provide you with real-time economic performance, income and other information. In addition, Bloomberg and CNBC broadcast via satellite, cable, and the Internet—although many traders don't take these broadcasts seriously—and do good reviews of the business press, and sometimes quite convincing financial analysis. The Wall Street Journal and the weekly Barron's remain the gold standard for information on the stock and commodity markets and a source of analytical materials on the economy. Yet there are literally thousands of financial analysis sites on the Internet, the vast majority of which are free. Of those dedicated to FOREX, we like Although hardly you will find specific financial ideas here, such financial blogs will allow you to get acquainted with very interesting, often opposing points of view on major macroeconomic issues and individual sectors of the economy. As a resource for communication, many traders use - there are heated discussions about all the markets and strategies that are covered in this book.

The hero of the film Rocky Balboa ("Rocky Balboa", USA, 2006, directed by Sylvester Stallone. —

Note. per.

Basic economics course in US universities. — Note. per.

Elder A. How to play and win on the stock exchange. — M.: Alpina Publishers, 2010.

The wordplay of the original is lost in the translation - in English the word confirmation has two meanings: confirmation and confirmation. — Note. per.

One of the personality types described by cardiologist Meyer Friedman is assertive, active, ambitious, with a developed sense of responsibility. — Note. per.

Индекс Standard and Poor’s 100. — Note. per.

Baseball team. — Note. per.

The CRB index, calculated by the American company Commodity Research Bureau, is the main indicator of the state of the world commodity market. — Note. per.

Schwager J. Stock magicians. Interviews with top traders. - M .: Diagram, 2004.

Million Dollar Baby, режиссер Клинт Иствуд, США, 2004 г. — Note. per.

One of the main characters in the films "Wall Street" and "Wall Street - 2. Money never sleeps" - his role was played by Michael Douglas. — Note. per.

Герой фильма Karate Kid («Парень-каратист»), США, 1984 г. — Note. per.

A Series 7 license is obtained by a broker registered as a professional specialist in the securities market. — Note. per.

Series 6 - Investment Company and Variable Contracts Exam (Mutual Funds/ Variable Annuities) - Series 7 and Series 63 - Uniform Securities Agent State Law Exam licenses are issued to persons who operate in the securities market, not being the heads of the respective companies. — Note. per.

William J. O'Neil (William J. O'Neil; born March 25, 1933) is an American entrepreneur, stockbroker, and writer. — Note. per.

Wall Street, режиссер Оливер Стоун, США, 1987. — Note. per.

17 ER2 — фьючерсный мини-контракт на фондовый индекс Russell 2000. — Note. per.

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