Message: #279367
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 22:59

The financiers who changed the world

French cuisine. His хобби – чтение и классическая музыка. Over the past ten years, he has held more than a thousand meetings, including lectures, consultations in companies around the world, meetings with officials. He is constantly in the center of media attention, but rarely gives interviews.
Chang Kim's lectures always draw full audiences. His выступления отличаются высокой энергетикой и насыщенностью. He knows how to convey information, arouse interest in the audience and keep their attention throughout the meeting, regardless of where he speaks - in a small audience or a large conference room, whether it is a short conversation or a lecture for many hours. Penetrating into the minds of listeners, Professor Kim changes and expands their worldview, views on business and life.
IN разное время Чан Ким был членом советов директоров и советником ряда международных корпораций Европы, США и Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона. Чан Ким – почетный гость INсемирного экономического форума в Давосе, член рабочей группы Центра экономической политики (Economic Policy Centre, EPC) при Европейском союзе, а также государственный советник ряда стран.
Professor Ким проводит лекции по следующим тематикам: стратегия голубого океана, управление бизнесом, корпоративная стратегия, развитие международного бизнеса, управление международными корпорациями, инновация ценности. His научные интересы в рамках основных исследований – стратегический и международный менеджмент, в рамках междисциплинарных исследований – реконструкционистская теория[4thirty] и справедливые процессы[431].

Famous sayings of Chang Kim

• The decision is yours - become strong, confident. If you follow someone step by step, you will always follow someone and at best become second. Be the first.
• The logic of a blue ocean strategy differs significantly from traditional models aimed at fighting in the existing market space. I believe that managers' misunderstanding of the difference between scarlet and blue ocean strategies is the main reason for the difficulties most companies face in trying to fight competition.
• INеликие стратегические insights like blue ocean strategies are not so much the result of genius, but the result of practical observation and determination to transcend the boundaries of competition.
• For your organization to implement a blue ocean strategy, you need to “wake up” employees so that they recognize the need for change. Implementation must be built into the strategy from the outset in order to build the faith and commitment of workers and inspire them to voluntarily cooperate.

Key dates of life and activity

1951 Born in Jinju, South Korea
1992 г. Переехал во Franzию и стал профессором стратегического и международного менеджмента в крупнейшей школе бизнеса INSEAD в Фонтенбло
1995 г. INозглавил кафедру стратегического и международного менеджмента в крупнейшей школе бизнеса INSEAD во Franzии
2001 Founded Value Innovation Network
2004 г. INошел в совет директоров сингапурской некоммерческой организации Value Innovation Action Tank (VIAT)
2005 г. IN соавторстве с Рене Моборн издал на текущий момент свой главный труд по стратегическому менеджменту «Стратегия голубого океана», ставший мировым бестселлером и получивший множество наград
2007 Became Co-Director of the INSEAD School of Business Blue Ocean Strategy Institute

33. Ben Bernanke

(b. 1953)
American economist, chairman of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) of the United States (since February 2006), chairman of the Council of Economic Experts at the White House

The financial world, with bated breath, heeds every word of Ben Bernanke - once a diligent student and a capable theoretical scientist, and today - the head of the US Federal Reserve and one of the most influential people in the world. Calmness and attention helped him become a successful finance minister: it was largely thanks to his personal qualities that America managed to get out of the last crisis with the least losses.
Hated Province

Ben Bernanke was born December 13, 1953 in Augusta to a Jewish family. His мать Эдна была учительницей, а отец Филипп – фармацевтом. Ben has a younger brother and sister. IN сеedине 1950-х годов семья переехала в город Диллон в Южной Каролине, где Филипп Бернанке возглавил семейный аптечный бизнес. IN маленьком городке, the majority of the population of which professed Christianity, Jews and blacks were treated with hostility, and among peers, young Ben felt like a hermit. «С самого детства, – признается Бен, – я мечтал только об одном: уехать из Диллона".
INозможно, если бы не переезд, жизнь будущего главы ФРС сложилась бы иначе. INсе свободное время, которое при других обстоятельствах он мог бы проводить с друзьями, Бен тратил на учебу. In addition, Ben was a multi-talented child, almost always succeeding in his endeavors. So, at the age of eleven, he became the winner of the state spelling contest, later mastered the technique of speed reading, wrote a novel about teenage problems in high school[432], and was also named one of the best saxophonists in the state. In addition, Ben learned Hebrew (later this helped him conduct ceremonies that a rabbi usually conducts). However, the real passion of the future outstanding economist was mathematics. Already at the age of three, he knew numbers, easily performed addition and subtraction operations. As a schoolboy, Ben improved his knowledge of mathematics by analyzing the statistics of his favorite game - baseball. He also self-taught advanced mathematics and scored the best in the state on the SAT[433] with an incredible score of 1,590 out of a possible 1,600.

From the student bench to the dean's chair

When it came time to graduate, Ben decided to go to Harvard University. At first, the parents were not happy with their son's choice, fearing that he would lose touch with Judaism. However, Bernanke and his friend, Kenneth Manning, convinced them of the need for this step. Как признается Кеннет, ныне профессор Массачусетского технологического института, «тогда я просто не хотел, чтобы такой талант пропал зря".
The most diligent student in the school, who spent almost all his free time reading books, Ben did not change himself as a student. His интересовали математика, физика, английский язык, экономические дисциплины. IN 1975 году Бернанке получил диплом бакалавра экономики с отличием.
INыдающиеся успехи в учебе помогли Бену завоевать авторитет в университетской сedе, и он был принят в престижное студенческое братство «Фи-Бета-Каппа» (Phi Beta Kappa Society), в котором в то время состоял Джордж Буш-старший.
Through четыре года, в 1979 году, Бернанке была присвоена Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. IN аспирантуре, под руководством выдающегося ученого-экономиста Стэнли Фишера, который сегодня является главой Банка Израиля, Бернанке написал диссертацию на тему «Долгосрочные обязательства, динамическая оптимизация и экономические циклы".
After receiving a prestigious economic education, Bernanke decided to stay in the academic environment. IN 1979–1985 годах он преподавал экономику и обществознание в школе бизнеса Стэнфордского университета, затем стал профессором Школы общественных и международных исследований имени INудро INильсона в Принстонском университете. Through девять лет Бен занял пост декана экономического факультета Принстонского университета и заслужил большое уважение сedи своих коллег. Many considered him an excellent leader and recognized his diplomatic talent. Bernanke himself treated the praise calmly and modestly. He liked to repeat that he was only the first among equals and the only difference between him and the rest of the professors was that he had the dean's chair.

Историк INеликой депрессии

Сегодня Бернанке считается знатоком одной из самых трагических страниц экономической истории США – INеликой депрессии 1929–1939 годов. The economist first took up a serious study of this period at Princeton University.
По сей день ученые всего мира спорят о причинах INеликой депрессии. Ben Bernanke is of the opinion of the famous Nobel Prize winner and founder of monetarism Milton Friedman (see essay 20. Milton Friedman). Фридман считал, что главной причиной INеликой депрессии было огромное, почти на треть, сокращение денежной массы. By increasing the money supply, the Fed could have prevented a depression that started with a normal recession, but only made the crisis worse by inaction. IN 2002 году, на конференции в честь 90-летия Милтона Фридмана, уже будучи членом совета управляющих ФРС, Бернанке заявил в конце своего выступления: «Я хотел бы сказать о том, что касается INеликой депрессии. This было. Но благодаря вам мы не допустим этого снова".
The author and co-author of numerous works and studies on monetary and monetary policy, Bernanke is a recognized authority among colleagues in the academic environment and successful entrepreneurs and financiers of the country. IN From 1987 to 1996, many major universities and banks in Philadelphia, Massachusetts, Princeton, and New York invited Bernanke to lecture. From 1990 to 2002, he was a member of the advisory board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Merit in the field of science allowed Bernarke in 1999 to become a Guggenheim Fellow and receive 35 thousand dollars.
IN июле 2001 года Бернанке стал edактором одного из самых старейших и уважаемых американских экономических журналов – American Economic Review[434].

"Bookworm" at the Fed

IN 2002 году Белый дом пригласил видного ученого-экономиста поработать в ФРС. Bernanke became one of seven members running the most powerful organization in the United States. IN то время главой ФРС США был легендарный Алан Гринспен (см. очерк 23. Алан Гринспен), практически единолично управлявший системой с 1987 года. INначале карьеры Бернанке в ФРС Гринспен отнесся к новичку скептически: он сомневался, что ученый и книжный червь может находиться сedи управляющих ФРС, и опасался, что Бернанке начнет критиковать его политику. However, flexibility and communication skills, coupled with an active lifestyle and outstanding analytical skills, helped Ben win the respect of the head of the Fed. “Ben and I never had any disagreements,” recalls Alan Greenspan.
From June 21, 2005 to January 31, 2006, Bernanke chaired the President's Council of Economic Experts. Such a high position was regarded by many as a trial period before being appointed chairman of the Fed, which is not inferior in importance to the post of president.
There is an almost unanimous opinion among Americans that the members of the Fed are the rulers of the world, in whose hands the real power over the market is concentrated, and the head of the organization is a celestial being who decides how the world economy will develop. A change in the head of the Fed would be a shock to the public. Over the long years of Greenspan's


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