Message: #212783
Okki » 04 Oct 2017, 08:47


It so happened that the UK island is quite small, and has only one time zone. Moreover, it is world famous thanks to Greenwich, one of the districts in southeast London.

As you know, Greenwich is the zero point of reference for time zones, as well as the zero meridian (longitude of the globe). This happened historically, quite a long time ago, and this phenomenon is associated with the Greenwich Observatory.

That is why time in all countries of the world is defined as GTM (or UTC – Universal Coordinated Time, although these are somewhat different things) + – a few hours. For example, the time in London (its time zone) is UTC+0 in winter and UTC+1 in summer. The British change the hands of the clock for summer time on the last Sunday of March at one in the morning, and for winter time on the last Sunday of October at the same night time.

The time difference between the capital of England and Moscow is 2 hours in winter and 3 hours in summer

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