Message: #224038
Аннета Эссекс » 11 Oct 2017, 22:45


Mobile Internet.
Mobile Internet on a trip has long been one of the “essential things”. Buying a SIM card from a local operator is worth at least for its sake. Since, I must say, free Wi-Fi in Switzerland is not very good. There is practically no choice of exclusively Internet tariffs among prepaid tariffs. But it is proposed to connect a traffic package – there may be options both with daily, monthly payment, and with payment for a specific number of megabytes (unfortunately, gigabytes are rarely discussed). You can activate the Internet package by dialing a certain combination of numbers on your phone (information on websites and at sales offices).

Connection and payment.
Connection and payment. You can buy a SIM card at the official offices of the operators (the main operators have offices at airports), you can order it on the websites. SIM cards of some operators (for example, Lebara) can be bought at ticket machines at stations, in the same machines, you can top up the account of most operators. Most often, cards with a certain denomination are used to replenish the account (a code and a certain combination of stars and bars are entered). As a rule, points of sale for SIM cards and cards for replenishing an account are indicated on websites. In addition, cards can be found in Manor, Coop, Migros supermarkets – the last two offer their own mobile communication tariffs.

Surprisingly, but the fact is that Wi-Fi in Switzerland is mostly paid. For example, Swisscom has many access points throughout the country (including on trains), but in order to use them, you need to purchase a card for a certain number of hours / minutes. In most cafes, they ask for money for the Wi-Fi password. But!!!!! Who seeks will always find! PostBus has free Wi-Fi on some routes. Or, for example, on this site a fairly high-quality search for free access points in Switzerland. In extreme cases, you can use the Internet cafe. There are not so many of them, and most often they take the form of a cafe or bar.

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