Message: #213929
Аннета Эссекс » 05 Oct 2017, 13:48

Consulate, Visa

Visas to Bulgaria. Types of visas.

1. Airport transit visa (visa type "A")

A visa of this type is issued to a foreigner, provided that he has a valid document that allows travel abroad, or another document that replaces it. The document must be issued by the country in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Order on the procedure for issuing a visa and determining the visa regime.

A transit airport visa can be single, double and, in special cases, multiple entry, which is valid for 3 months from the date of issue. This visa gives a foreigner the right to be on the territory of the airport, in particular in the transit hall of international flights while boarding a flight or changing aircraft to continue on to a third country of the route.

A foreigner who has been issued an international transit visa does not have the right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, that is, he does not have the right to leave the international flight hall.

In order to obtain a transit airport visa, you need to provide:
1. Foreign passport or any other document that replaces it.
2. Copies of passport pages containing personal data, valid visas. You also need to provide copies of permits to stay in the states that are on this route, or in the state that is the purpose of the entire trip.
3. Color photograph of the format of a foreign passport (new)
4. Booking tickets.
To obtain a visa, it is best to provide a ticket and a copy of it.
2. Transit visa to Bulgaria (visa type "B")

A visa of this type is issued to a foreigner who wishes to pass through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, while having a final destination in another country, to which a visa is available, if necessary.

A transit visa allows one, two or another number of passages through the territory of Bulgaria, the duration of each of them cannot exceed 36 hours. The visa is valid for one more year after the date of its issue.

The number of transit moves cannot exceed 90 days within 6 months from the date of issue of the visa or from the date of the first move through the Republic.

A transit visa is not required for third-country nationals if certain documents from the list below are provided:
Schengen / common visa for long-term stay in the country, permission to stay in the territory of any country from the Schengen zone. National short stay visa, long stay visa and residence permit issued by either Cyprus or Romania. Residence permit issued by Liechtenstein.
The right to travel without presenting and obtaining a visa under the terms of a transit permit applies only in the case of transit. Entry and exit across the border is not allowed with the same country, and travel is not allowed if the country that is the purpose of the trip has not issued a visa or permission to stay on its territory.

In order to obtain such a visa, you need to provide:
1. A valid foreign passport or other document replacing it.
2. Copies of passport pages containing personal data, valid visas. You also need to provide copies of permits to stay in the states that are on this route, or in the state that is the purpose of the entire trip.
3. A completed application and a photo, 3.5 by 4.5 in size - as for a foreign passport.
4. Evidence of the availability of tickets for entry and exit from the territory, as well as a document providing information and financial security throughout the trip.
5. Confirmation of the availability of funds for accommodation for the entire stay and all transit transfers based on 50 euros per day, or the same amount in any other currency subject to conversion. When traveling by car, you must provide funds in the amount of at least 200 euros, or in another currency.
6. A valid health insurance policy, as well as a copy of it. The document must be issued by a company that has the right to carry out activities on the territory of the EU countries. The minimum policy coverage is EUR 30,000. This amount can, in case, cover all the costs of transportation and medical care.
3. Short stay visa (visa type "C")

This visa is obtained by a foreigner who enters the country once, twice, or who obtains the right to multiple entries, for a total period of not more than 90 days within six months from the date of the first entry.

A multiple-entry visa may be valid for one year from the date of issue, in special cases up to 5 years, if:
1. Multiple entry visa allowing a foreigner to stay on the territory of Bulgaria for up to one year, can be issued provided that in the previous year he had received a short stay visa, and he used it in accordance with the law and its provisions on Entry and stay on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria - this will be the basis for issuing a multiple entry visa.
2. A multiple-entry visa valid for up to 5 years may be issued to a foreigner if, within the last two years, he has received and used, in accordance with the law, a multiple-entry visa valid for one year. This will be the basis for obtaining a new multiple entry visa.
A multiple-entry visa for staying on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria may be issued to a foreigner if:
1. A foreign person maintains contacts with individuals or legal entities of the Republic of Bulgaria who carry out economic activities in accordance with the Commercial Law.
2. The foreign person maintains permanent business relations with legal entities in Bulgaria, which carry out their activities in accordance with the Law on Legal Entities and Non-Economic Activities
3. A foreign person maintains permanent contacts with foreign representative offices that are registered in accordance with Article 24 of the Law on Investments
4. The foreign person has a great contribution to the development of relations with the Republic of Bulgaria
5. The foreign person is a family member of a Bulgarian citizen. Conditions must comply with the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria
6. A foreign person is a family member of a citizen of a state that is part of the European Union, or included in the European Economic Area, or the Confederation of Switzerland. A person whose relative is a foreigner must stay in an EU country for a long time.
7. A foreign person who is a relative of a foreigner who has been staying on the territory of Bulgaria for a long time without losing his permanent place of residence.
8. A foreign person is a driver of international road transport or a member of the crew of a railway mode of transport.

When applying for a visa for a short stay, a foreign person provides:

1. A valid document authorizing travel abroad - a foreign passport or other document replacing it
2. Copies of the pages of the document allowing trips abroad showing personal details and valid visas. You must also provide copies of your residence permit.
3. A color photograph of the format of a foreign passport (new)
4. Documents confirming the visa application, as well as their copies
5. Documents or other evidence showing that a foreign person needs the amount of money to stay in the country in a hotel, at least 50 euros for each day of stay in the territory of the Republic indicated in the visa application, or the same amount, but in any other currency subject to free conversion, in total - not less than 500 euros. Or you need to provide a document or printout confirming the payment of the same amount for the services of the travel agency that booked the hotel or hotel. Or you need to provide an invitation from an individual or legal entity, which indicates that it undertakes to cover all expenses for the maintenance of a foreigner.
6. Evidence proving that the foreign person has funds for maintenance in the amount of at least 50 euros for each day of stay - their amount is indicated in the application, or the same value, but in any other currency. In total - not less than 500 euros.
7. Evidence certifying the availability of funds to leave the country, or a printed ticket. If a foreign person travels by car, then they must have money for gasoline - a minimum amount of 100 euros, or the same amount in another currency.
8.Medical insurance policy, as well as its copy. The document must be issued by a company that has the right to carry out activities on the territory of the EU countries. The minimum policy coverage is EUR 30,000. This amount can, in case, cover all the costs of transportation and medical care. Individuals applying for a multiple entry visa will only be required to present a policy on the first time of entry.

An invitation from an individual or legal entity operating in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, in accordance with the Commercial Law, to issue a short-term visa for the purpose of establishing business relations, is issued in a form signed and sealed by the person inviting partners.

The document must be notarized, as well as certified by the authorities controlling the activities foreign persons, if the following documents are provided:
1.Certificate on the current status of a legal entity (natural person), issued by the Registration Agency in accordance with the Law on the Commercial Register (the certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue)
2. A copy of the tax declaration of the person inviting foreigners for the

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