Message: #247570
Аннета Эссекс » 02 Nov 2017, 21:35


Store hours in India

Most shops in India are open from 10:00 to 20:00, with the exception of large shopping and entertainment centers in large cities, which often remain open until midnight. On weekends, Indian shops may close 2 hours earlier.

Traditional Indian markets in the villages are open from dawn to dusk (08:00-18:00). Large city markets are open from 09:00 until late in the evening.

What and where to buy in India

Shopping in India will please, first of all, those who seek to purchase bright souvenirs, handicrafts, unusual clothes and exotic products. Although in the big cities of India there are large stores and shopping centers selling products of popular brands, most take away goods such as:

indian silk
jewelry made of gold, silver and precious stones
indian clothes
dishes and decor items (paintings, figurines) in the traditional style
cosmetics and health products made according to Ayurvedic recipes
Shopping in India has a pronounced regional focus – different parts of the country specialize in the production and sale of a certain type of product. It is in the place of production that you can buy these goods at the lowest prices and with the greatest guarantee of quality.

So Indian gems and silver are best purchased in large jewelry stores in Jaipur, silk fabrics and products from them – in Varanasi, figurines made of stone and bronze – in Agra, and warm woolen shawls – in Kashmir.

One-stop places for shopping in India are the central areas in large cities (n / a Colaba in Mumbai or Connaught Place in Delhi), where many large shops and street markets are located. It is especially important to make purchases in the capital, because most of the goods in Goa and other resorts in India come from there.

Large flea markets in Goa are also popular as traditional places for shopping in India, where you can buy literally everything – from inexpensive beads and incense to electronics and vehicles.

Prices in stores in India

Prices in the markets and shops of India are mainly determined by sellers, depending on the solvency of the buyer. When a foreigner is interested in a product, its price automatically “takes off” several times compared to what what is usually asked from the locals.

In India, there are a number of goods (mainly food), the price of which is fixed and indicated on the price tag glued to the package. Such goods are sold both in specialized stores (fixed price store), and may be present in the assortment of ordinary shops.

Shopping tips in India

The first rule when shopping in India is always haggle (unless the price of the item is “fixed” and is listed on the price tag attached to it). You can start the negotiation process with the phrase: “Is this your best price?” (Is this the best price you can offer me?).
Before buying a product in the Indian market, try to find out the approximate price for it in one of the stores with “fixed” prices.
Do not show your interest in the product right away – a slightly indifferent look at the beginning of the auction will help bring the price down to the minimum value.
If the price of the goods is not indicated, it can immediately be safely knocked down by 2 times from the one requested by the seller.
Do your shopping in the markets early in the morning. According to the beliefs of Indian merchants, the first customer is supposed to make the best discount so that the rest of the day goes well.
Popular shopping destinations in India

Flea market in Anjuna, Goa

Dilli Haat Market, Delhi

Shopping malls near metro Rajori Garden, Delhi

Shopping Malls in Saket, Delhi

Souvenir malls Central Cottage Industries Emporium in Delhi and Mumbai

Souvenirs from India

Bronze figurines of deities
Price: from 3-5 $
Indian artisans have perfected the skill of working bronze for centuries. It is not surprising that bronze figurines of deities (Shiva, Buddha, Ganesha, Krishna), mythical characters, religious symbols (Om, Shivalingam), elephants made in traditional technique are so popular all over the world. In India, bronze is sold by weight – the larger the figure, the more it costs.

Indian silk
Price: from 2.5 $
Scarves, shawls and saris made of natural Indian silk will emphasize the figure of any woman with bright southern colors.

Индийские incense
Price: from $0.2 per pack
Incense sticks based on sandalwood, coal and essential oils are widely used in India for ritual purposes and air aromatization. Наиболее качественные и популярные incense производит индийская фирма Satya.

Indian spices set
Price: from $0.5 per 250 gr package
India is a real kingdom of spices, this is what attracted foreign merchants and conquerors here for many centuries. Here you can find the most unimaginable types of spices, many of which are still little known to us. As souvenirs from India, ready-made mixtures of spices (masala) are popular, which are used to prepare original Indian dishes. Подобные смеси (как и сами spices) лучше покупать в герметично упакованных пакетиках от известных компаний-производителей (MDH, Everest, Catch, Mothers Recipe, Cookme, Priya, Pushp, Ramdev, Nilon’s).

Indian sweets
Price: от 5 $ за кг
Sweets from India are as diverse and incredible in flavor combinations as this country itself. Bringing a box of halva, sweet fudge or nut-fruit balls with you, you can really share the taste of India with your friends.

Ayurvedic cosmetics
Price: от 1 $
Natural cosmetics, produced according to the recipes of Ayurveda, the oldest treatise on health on earth, have become popular in recent years far beyond the borders of India. Popular brands of Ayurvedic cosmetics in India are Shahnaz Husain, AASHA, Raj Rasayana, Vedicline and Himalaya.

Sandalwood carvings
Price: от 10 $
Sandalwood not only has a pleasant color, but also emits an amazing spicy aroma. It is not surprising that sandalwood has the status of a sacred tree in India. Сандал в Индии используется для проведения ритуалов (incense) и изготовления элементов храмового декора. Carved panels and figurines of sandalwood deities can be a real decoration of your home.

singing bowl
Price: 10-50 $
An original and beautiful musical instrument made of bronze in the form of a copper bowl, which even a child can play. The sounds of the singing bowl are widely used during meditation and various healing practices.

Indian fabric lamp
Price: 1-5 $
A traditional handmade fabric lampshade, decorated with bright embroidery and pieces of mirrors, can become a real decoration of your home and will remind you of the best moments of your trip to India.

cashmere shawl
Price: от 5 $
Warm and delicate shawls made of natural down are not only a popular souvenir from India, but also one of the most recognizable physical symbols of this country. The softer the shawls feel to the touch, the better they are and are more valued. In addition to shawls, thin, elegant scarves are made from cashmere wool.

Indian tea
Price: 5-15 $ за кг
Although the British brought tea to India relatively recently, it is Indian tea that has gained worldwide fame today as the highest quality. Indian tea, упакованный в красочные фигурные баночки и, даже резные фигурки является популярным сувениром из Индии. Popular tea brands in India are also well-known in our country – these are Tata Tea, Godrej Tea, Lipton, Brooke Bond and Twinnings.

Indian bidi cigarettes
Price: 0,1 $ за пачку
Small rolled “bidis” rolled from Indian herbs and tobacco are considered “cigarettes for the poor” in their homeland, but are popular throughout the rest of the world as an original souvenir from India. The most popular brand of Indian bidis is “501 Ganesh”.

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