Message: #327839
Аннета Эссекс » 23 Mar 2018, 12:06

Money, currency exchange, cards, transfers

The monetary unit used in circulation on the territory of South Ossetia is the Russian ruble. On the territory of the country, clients are served by the National Bank and its branches.

Visiting tourists should take care in advance that they convert their euros or dollars into rubles, because due to the lack of exchange offices, foreign currency does not have circulation on the territory of the republic.

Availability of ATMs and distribution of credit cards. There are no ATMs.
Credit cards are not common, payment in trade and service establishments is made only in cash.

The Republic of South Ossetia has a National Bank. Through the branches of the National Bank in the districts, payments reach customers. The possibility of entering the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia by branches of Russian banks (Sberbank, VTB Bank, Alfa Bank) is being discussed. Currently, the republic is experiencing an acute shortage of credit resources. It is believed that the arrival of Russian banking capital will be a major breakthrough in terms of lending.

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