Message: #242476
Аннета Эссекс » 24 Oct 2017, 21:47


What can be imported into Egypt

It is necessary to know the customs regulations of Egypt when we are going to visit this country. First of all, we think about what can be imported into Egypt. So, here is a list of what you can take with you:

Egyptians are allowed to carry 1 liter of alcoholic beverages and 2 liters of beer for people over 20 years old. Once, I was carrying more alcohol, there were no problems with the Egyptian customs. But rules, there are rules.
Persons over 15 years of age may bring 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars. I carried 3 blocks each (they were packed in a suitcase, which I checked in luggage), there were never any problems either.
If you are bringing jewelry or jewelry with you, you are required to declare it. According to the rules of customs control in Egypt, all undeclared items can be confiscated.
Electronic equipment is also subject to customs declaration. Import is allowed only with mandatory declaration. When leaving Egypt at the customs, you will check the entire list of this equipment. It is forbidden to leave or donate equipment in Egypt. The penalty is 100% of the cost. Also include your favorite video camera in the declaration.
The Egyptians allow us to import foreign currency in unlimited quantities. Export is also allowed, but not more than 5 thousand US dollars per person.
If you decide to bring a car with you to Egypt, get ready to pay customs duty in the amount of 100% of the cost of this car, depending on the engine size.
When importing all types of pets at the Egyptian customs, you will be asked to present a valid certificate of the veterinary service with a note on all vaccinations, including a rabies vaccination.
What can not be imported into Egypt

Egyptian customs rules prohibit the import of:
Medicines containing a large dose of narcotic substances
Any kind of weapon
Movies, printed publications and videos that are contrary to the norms of Islam, morality and ethics.
Commercial cotton products
live bird
Frozen poultry meat
What can not be exported from Egypt

From Egypt it is impossible to export the national currency. Before departure, exchange Egyptian pounds for US dollars at any exchange office.
Corals and marine life. $1,000 fine Items made of corals bought in a store can be exported. Do not forget to ask the seller for a check for coral products when buying. Behind an attempt to export corals in commercial quantities can “rattle” in prison for 2 years.
Objects of historical value, antiques, art, ivory and ivory itself. Antiquities can be exported if they have documents confirming the legality of their acquisition.
Items for personal use can be brought into and taken out of Egypt without a customs declaration.

At the International Airports of Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh, as a rule, customs inspection is not carried out. But if there is a large amount of luggage and suspicion of the import of electrical equipment, office equipment, and so on, luggage can be inspected.

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