Message: #277559
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Dec 2017, 21:07

Advice from an experienced angler: From the practice of an angler-athlete. Tomashevsky V.E.

remained for the winter.

After строительства Иркутской ГЭС традиционные виды корма для рыбы резко изменились, т. к. ручейники и веснянки погибли. Once upon a time, the fish pools were empty. For диких уток тоже настали тяжелые времена. A high water level and a small current help the ice to move almost close to the Baikal ice at the time of restoration. There is very little pure (from ice) water left, which deprives the ducks of food and dooms them to death. IN критические моменты человек приходит птице на помощь, и наш чудо–уголок еще продолжает жить.

Below the dam of the HPP, the Angara flows in its old banks, but the living conditions of fish in this area have changed dramatically. Уровень воды на протяжении дня может резко меняться, что сказывается на самочувствии fish. By настоянию инспекции рыбоохраны на период нереста администрация ГЭС придерживается одного постоянного уровня воды в реке. The fish, having risen from the lower sections of the river, spawns and goes back, and hard times come for the caviar. Due to the operation of the turbines, the water level can drop and the caviar will end up in a dry place or rise, then the caviar will be in a deeper, unheated place. At больших перепадах и молодь perishes on the shores, where it comes in high water in search of food.

In addition, the existing city treatment facilities do not stand up to scrutiny. The degree of wastewater treatment below Irkutsk can be judged by objects floating near the coast. What kind of tea or fish soup from the Angarsk water is there, if one large stretch, located a little lower than Irkutsk, is known by anglers under such a name that it cannot be placed on the pages of the press. The bleak fate of the former Angara is completed by dredges that destroy the islands, disfigure the bottom of the channel and the channel, as well as oil depots and enterprises located along the coast, the fish from their waste acquires the smell of kerosene.

Река Лена берет свое начало со склонов Байкальского хребта, который отделяет ее от Байкала расстоянием около восьми килоmeters. Отчаянные туристы–рыболовы с походным снаряжением добираются по Байкалу до мыса Byкойники (метеостанция Солнечная), штурмуют перевал высотой более 800 метров и спускаются с верховьев реки на подручных средствах.

IN верхней части Лена несет чистые быстрые воды по районам Иркутской области, но чем дальше удаляется от истока, тем больше принимает в себя «прелестей» современной цивилизации.
IN верховье, где нет еще развитой промышленности и не очень развито сельское хозяйство, большого урона ее здоровью пока нет. However, there are already warning signs of a major illness. There was a leak of half a tank of oil, there is a constant washout of fertilizers from the fields and a large deforestation. IN двадцати километрах от рабочего поселка Качуг, по правому берегу реки, имеются наскальные рисунки, в мировой литературе известные как «Шишкинские писаницы», которым насчитывается более пяти тысяч лет. And just below them, along the left, very picturesque bank of the Lena, decorated with stone plumb lines and ravines, gullies are formed, which increase every year. On плоскогорье, расположенном выше скального берега и имеющем наклон в сторону реки, сплошь вырублен и раскорчеван под пашню лес. Now rainwater, without stopping, rushes into the ravines, and where it was necessary to go up the paths, gullies have formed, in which a five-story residential building can fit. Falling from a height, storm water carries out stone blocks, red clay, uprooted trees. IN результате заиливается дно реки, погибают насекомые, замываются зимовальные pits and drifts block the river bed. From such places, the fish leaves to look for more suitable living conditions.
Now the question of saving Baikal and other water bodies has been raised. Their fate is decided by high authorities, but we also need to face the truth. We are accustomed to the Siberian scale and do not save little, hoping that there will be enough for our lifetime. No! Already not enough. IN магазинах, кроме спинки минтая, ничего нет. The fish caught in the Bratsk reservoir is infected with worms.

Scientists and business executives treated Baikal criminally. The rivermen broke the high-voltage line through the Angara at its source and killed a lot of fish, released diesel fuel in the area of ​​the Olkhon Gates, Usolsk chemists poisoned hundreds of tons of fish in the Angara. Such deeds of our would-be hosts can be listed endlessly.
I appeal to true amateur fishermen - take care of our nature, the wealth of our native land. It is necessary to accustom people to order and to be masters of their own land. Do not pass by when, not yet quite consciously, visitors to forests, rivers, meadows and other places pollute the water, cut down the forest, tear flowers, bird cherry, wild rosemary in armfuls, leave behind such that others cannot rest in this place after them.
Those who have been to Baikal at the end of the winter fishing season have seen the "order" in which abandoned Kamchatka remains. In order to somehow hide the trash from prying eyes, and not put it in the right place, or take it with you, it is lowered into the holes and it gradually covers the bottom of the Small Sea. An angler friend told me how one summer he scuba dived over the bottom of the Debei fishing area and was horrified by what he saw.

Не лучшим образом выглядят и берега после массового посещения рыболовов и диких туристов: порубленные деревья для костров и палаток, горы мусора на фоне красоты нашей природы, посмотреть которую люди едут за десятки тысяч килоmeters.
On своем веку я многое видел хорошего, испытывал захватывающее чувство борьбы с крупными тайменями, любовался красотами нашего края. My son managed to some extent, already quite small, to see the real Angara, the undefiled Baikal, untouched forests and cedar taiga, but my grandson can only listen to stories about the old days.
INот теперь и думается, что если при жизни одного человека произошли такие изменения в природе и если в ближайшем будущем не будет круто изменено отношение к природе, what awaits our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and future generations?! Maybe they do not need the experience of amateur anglers, which has been accumulated over the years and passed down from generation to generation?

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