Message: #293540
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:33

Trade Chaos. Bill M. Williams

of business dealings that deal with our own emotions.

When I first started trading full time, I spent over $6,000 subscribing to newsletters. My actual costs were many times that amount because I believed what these so-called experts were saying. Then I did a little research and found out that the authors of articles in these publications do not trade according to their own recommendations. I paid them my money and risked my own hard-earned dollars, and they were unwilling to rely on their own analysis! How do you like this explanation: "I will lose my objectivity if my money is put into these transactions." I call it B.S. 1 sorry *17

Trading should not be difficult, but profitable. Learn to depend only on yourself in trading. You may not know this, but you are an expert just like me. Once you read this book and learn the Profitunity approach to trading, you will begin to enjoy being a trader instead of worrying about becoming a trader.


Before you read the following, please pause and answer this question. If the market were an animal, what animal would it be? In other words, what animal best captures you to describe the characteristics of the market? Take a quick mental tour of the menagerie and then write your answer below:

In my opinion, the market is _____________

(name of the animal)

I'm asking you to write a response because I want you to be the one to make the decision and have written confirmation of your choice, and then get the concept of the market that we're going to discuss.

Now that you've conceptualized the market as the animal of your choice, I'll be looking forward to some of your questions:

1. What is the difference between this approach?

A good question that deserves a serious answer. Let me suggest an experiment you can do themselves. Chat with any trader who traded commodity futures and left the market for any reason (usually, could not win financially). Ask him why he quit trading? In other words, what prevented him from succeeding in the marketplace? I know they will tell you, "I couldn't make money because I couldn't predict the market."

You know what? Nobody can! Nobody in the whole world knows what the market will do tomorrow. If you think you can learn to predict accurately

рынок, то вам надо вычесть себя из тех 10%, что имеют финансовый успех на market.

This approach, based on fractal (recursive) analysis 2, is not primarily aimed at solving the problem of long-term forecasting. The comedian Flip Wilson described it in the movie "The Church of What's Happening Now" 3. Fractals are the market equivalent of the Church of What's Happening Now. Fractal analysis gives a much clearer and more accurate picture of the current market situation than other methods. In the Profitunity approach, we don't deal with the technical levels of the market, we use percentages.

We will not apply technical and fundamental analysis in the same way as everyone else. All technical analysis is built on the wrong premise that the future will be like the past. One of the useful rules that I have discovered in 35 years of trading is that the future never repeats the past.

In the 1960s and early 1970s, bean traders made their fortunes using the 10-period moving average. Try it today and see how long you last.

2. What is the secret of successful trading on the "Profitunity" system?

The best kept secret in the world of trading. In the belief that nothing happens as expected. The best trading plans usually go wrong. Notice that I didn't say sometimes or from time to time, I said usually.

Most traders turn a blind eye to this, they are not satisfied with this truth. Losing traders seek certainty and reliability. They want a system, advisor, hotline, or market indicator that can tell them what to do. And the less certainty they get from these sources, the more active their search.


Life many traders consists of a chain of beginnings that do not lead to a happy ending. The vast majority of them are initially driven by inspiring hope. They are confident that success awaits them around the next corner.

Let's take a look at a typical trader's story and see how it could be useful to increase our own experience. Trust me, if you haven't traded before and now want to get started armed with technical and fundamental analysis, then this story will do you good.

Let's say that you were attracted to the futures market because "you can make a lot of money quickly without spending a lot of effort." The initial interest was most likely awakened when you learned that someone had made a lot of money in futures. Your friend, buddy, or broker has mentioned trades from time to time that have made good profits. Naturally, no one will tell you about the losses.

If you ask for details, your friend will tell you about trading in gold or currencies - which is the most interesting at the moment. "This is the work of the system," would be a confident summary.

Then, getting a little more talkative, your friend will tell you more about the most successful trades: one trade brought in 70% of the initial margin in four days, the other made a large profit from short selling gold, made before the weekend and closed immediately after. Your friend looks so confident, lucky and successful that you think you're hearing the absolute truth and nothing but the truth.

Finally, you can't hold back anymore. Hungry for the same success, you muster up your courage and ask if you would be allowed to trade nearby, shadowing the next few trades. Your friend promises to give you the opportunity to trade with him a few times, and you begin to dream about how rich you will become very soon.

Your first trading operation brings a small income. Second, bean options that double in six weeks are even better. Now the dream of becoming rich is materializing in your trading account. Maybe it's time to call Kansas for a Lear Jet 4 catalog.

But the next operation fails. Then comes the second loss. You put off your dream for a while.

When you ask your friend, the genius trader, what happened, he says, "It's only a brief slump - things like that happen from time to time." Unfortunately, the losing streak continues and you finally have to "throw in the towel" before your spouse gives you the "dolce vita".

Your expert friend, however, continues to trade and, one way or another, continues to live as before.

Now, even if you suffered a loss, you still tasted the taste of profit. You know that you can make big profits. Only it's not always easy.

Then you subscribe to trade analysis newsletters, read brokerage reports, watch financial programs on TV. You start thinking about the market all the time, even when you should be thinking about something else. This is the beginning of the disease.

You trade a little at your own risk without telling your friend anything. You're doing even better than when you worked with him, but you know there's still a lot to learn. When you получаете по почте брошюру о семинаре по торговле, который ответит на все ваши вопросы и сделает вас "трейдером месяца", то уже готовы к этому. The seed fell on fertile ground. Blazing recommendations from previous visitors are featured on every page. There will be many speakers, and besides, you can get recommendations from practicing traders, so the seminar is a must for you. You are signing up for a seminar.

At the seminar, one of the speakers explains how to identify major turning points in the markets. She shows charts illustrating her winning trades in the 1987 crash. She used a corrective call trading technique until the 1989 crash. The result of her historical records of transactions is incredible.

Другой докладчик, специалист по волнам Эллиота, сулит открыть вам потрясающие возможности на market. If you want an accurate entry time to a position, sign up for his newsletter, fax line, and daily updated market analysis over the phone. Of course it costs money, but it doesn't matter to you anymore, because you are going to become so rich that it doesn't matter anymore. Do you think about all those incredible incomes that he

received, and about what a good guy he is, that he decided to share with you information that creates wealth.

It's so easy to work with a professional who gives forecasts for the WALL STREET JOURNAL and FUTURES magazines. This is a real trader providing a record of his trades. It's not even a shame that he has a Rolex watch and an Armani suit.

You sign up and the newsletter says, "Buy this and sell that." Some of the recommendations are not clear to you - they do not agree with what was said at the seminar, but you follow them anyway, because you do not want to lose a single opportunity to make a profit. Many trades go quite well, enough to cover losses while maintaining your confidence in the workshop and guru's newsletter.

Then comes the big day. The fax line screams:

This is your chance!

"Leading in..." is irresistible: "This is our last chance. It's like buying gold at $35 or shares at 800. Sell everything to your kids or mortgage a farm. Sell everything you own - and do it now!" Or something like that.

You are excited, but you know you have to be brave to make big profits. You sell other investments you own, get a mortgage loan from the bank

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