Message: #395548
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Oct 2018, 14:07

Good Trader Rules. Elena Tau

goals, fill and ruin life with things, people, ideas. Therefore, a person's life depends on his money. How much money is life.

5. INкладывать можно только в живых брокеров! There are many brokerage companies and they are all different. There are companies that have proven themselves in terms of the quality of service, there are only developing ones, and there are fading companies. INыбирайте тех брокеров, которые поддерживают вас и пишут электронные письма, которые хотя бы раз позвонили вам и пообщались с вами. Brokers who are able to share their experience, but not those who immediately reach into your pocket.

6. To earn a lot, you need to study a lot! To know how and where to make money, you need to simply understand human psychology, the economy of various countries, the English language, ecology, philosophy, and art. This is necessary in order to be able to think, plan, be responsible to yourself, turn life into a fairy tale. Then, events and people with similar knowledge and skills, as well as money, will be attracted to you.

7. Notльзя вкладывать последнюю заработную плату! Because you will need food and livelihood. It is easy to lose wages and remain hungry and destitute.

8. Be honest with yourself, there are often other needs behind the desire to get rich. Honesty is one of the traits that helps a person understand and accept himself for who he is. Come to terms with what he has. Confess what he did. Accept the fate that is given to him. Understand that many desires are imposed by someone. AND на реализацию их может уйти большое количество сил, энергии, денег. Understand your needs.

9. Behind any money there should be spirituality! The presence of spirituality helps to build your life and withstand the most difficult times. The higher the spirituality, the more strength to overcome obstacles. The more temptations you can overcome on the way to your cherished goals, the more money will be attracted to you. The easier it will be for you to earn every new day.

10. Any income should be for the benefit of the planet! There are black and white money incomes. They are means to an end. If behind the goals is the desire to destroy nature or another person, then your income will decrease or disappear over time at all. Money, as part of the energy, is attracted to good people and good goals in order to increase. Good deeds increase good goals, good goals increase the kindness of the soul and thought. A kind soul gets more energy and improves. Where there is perfection, there money is multiplied. INсё происходящее на планете существует благодаря деньгам.

IN завершении могу лишь сказать, что я не отказался от работы на опционах и бирже, насколько бы рискованным это не было, не стал от этого богаче или беднее, лучше или хуже, талантливее или бездарнее. I remained myself and managed to save my soul. I wish the same to everyone else who has read this book.

Thank you for reading the book on the Bakshi buckshee-Sports, Auto, Finance, Real Estate forum. Healthy lifestyle. Enjoy reading! ANDнтернет магазин, спортивное питание, косметика, сайт ANDнтернет магазин одежды ANDнтернет магазин обуви ANDнтернет магазин Development of online stores. Creation of corporate sites. ANDнтеграция, Хостинг. Philosophy, philosophers of the world, philosophical currents. Biography Enjoy reading!



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