Message: #293510
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:13

Zone Trading. Beating the market through confidence, discipline and a mindset for success. Mark Douglas

decrease in the likelihood of achieving the goal. Few are capable of admitting their own mistakes, and this explains why there are so few traders who can be proud of the stability of their trading results. The tendency not to admit mistakes made is so common among people that it can be assessed as inherent in the entire human race. INпрочем, лично я так не думаю, равно как и не считаю, что для всех нас характерна врожденная способность насмехаться над собой или заниматься самоуничижением вследствие совершенных просчетов, погрешностей и ошибок.

Making mistakes is a natural function of life and will remain so until we can reach a level of consciousness development where:

1) all our beliefs are in perfect harmony with our desires;

2) all our beliefs are structured in such a way that they are fully consistent with the perspective of the external environment.

There is no doubt that the incompatibility of beliefs with manifestations of the external environment leads to an increase in the likelihood of making a mistake, making it almost inevitable. We lose the ability to recognize a reasonable sequence of steps leading to a goal. Worse, we will not be able to understand that what we need on the market may not be there, or it may be, but in insufficient volume or not when we need it.

On the other hand, errors that are consequences of beliefs that conflict with our goals are not always explicit or obvious. We know that they act as opposing forces and project their own versions of the truth onto consciousness. The most difficult to notice are confusing, misleading thoughts that lead to an instant loss of concentration. At first glance, this may seem insignificant. However, if we recall the example of the bridge over the canyon, it becomes clear that when the stake is extremely high, even a microscopic decrease in the level of concentration sometimes results in a mistake with unpredictable consequences. This principle applies to trading, sports, and computer programming. With a clear intention, unclouded by opposing energy, our ability to concentrate and concentrate increases, as a result of which the chances of realizing our goals increase.

I уже определял победный настрой как позитивное ожидание результата от прилагаемых нами усилий, которому сопутствует внутреннее согласие с результатами, которые совершенным образом отражают наш трейдерский уровень. Consistently great athletes are distinguished from mediocre ones by their lack of fear of making mistakes. The thought of the possibility of making mistakes does not put them into a state of stupor, since they have no reason to think badly of themselves when they make mistakes. This means that they do not have a store of negatively charged energy ready to splash into their consciousness. What explains this unusual ability to ignore mistakes and not punish yourself for them? Explanations should be sought in the past: apparently, they had outstanding parents, teachers and mentors who, not only by word, but also by personal example, taught to correct miscalculations and mistakes, while radiating feelings of true love and affection. I называю таких людей незаурядными, потому что многие из нас в детстве получили совершенно иной опыт общения с взрослыми. The process of correcting errors was accompanied by waves of anger, intolerance and rejection. INозможно ли, чтобы связанные с ошибками позитивные переживания, которые пришлось претерпеть великим спортсменам, привели бы их к убеждению в том, что ошибки просто указывают направление, в котором им следует сфокусировать усилия, направленные на дальнейший рост и улучшение показателей speeches?

These kinds of beliefs leave no room for negatively charged energy and therefore self-deprecating thoughts. But most of us, who have experienced a whole bunch of negative reactions to our actions in childhood, naturally have other beliefs, such as: “We must avoid mistakes at all costs”, “If I do stupid things, then something is wrong with me”, «I настоящий растяпа и неудачник», или «Должно быть, я плохой человек, если допускаю такие ошибки".

Remember that every thought, word, or deed in some way serves to reinforce the beliefs we have about ourselves. If the incessant flow of negative self-criticism leads to the formation of the belief that we are failures, then sooner or later such a belief will be able to find its way to the surface of consciousness and be expressed in thoughts that tear the soul and lead to even greater failures, or in spoken words addressed to us. by ourselves or those around us (if we notice similar features in them), or in actions that cannot be interpreted as direct sabotage.

If you really decide to become a stable trader, then you cannot allow mistakes to continue to exist in some negative context in which most people place them. INы должны уметь наблюдать за собой, чего непросто добиться, если вы способны испытывать эмоциональную боль при совершении ошибки. If this ability is present, you are faced with the next choice.

1. Can попытаться создать новый набор позитивных убеждений и представлений относительно того, что значит совершать ошибки, и одновременно подвергнуть деактивации все негативно заряженные убеждения, также имеющие отношение к проблеме ошибок и к связанной с ними самооценке.

2. If you find the above scenario impossible, try to neutralize the ability to make mistakes by making adjustments to the trading system. This means that if you are going to trade, not watch yourself, and at the same time want to achieve consistent results, then trading solely from the standpoint of the mechanical stage of the trader's evolution can help resolve the dilemma.

The art of self-observation is not so difficult, especially after getting rid of the negatively charged energy associated with mistakes. IN essence, it's quite simple. INсе, что от вас требуется, - определиться с причинами, в силу которых вы желаете наблюдать за собой, и в первую очередь необходимо четко сформулировать цель. Having dealt with the goal, you just need to pay attention to what you think, say or do.

If you notice a lack of focus on your stated goals or steps towards achieving them, make a choice to redirect your thoughts, words, and deeds to where you are trying to achieve. Such retargeting should be practiced constantly and as needed. The more consciously a person enters into this process, especially if a certain degree of conviction is inherent in his efforts, the more quickly a mental structure will be formed that can function in accordance with the set goals, while not experiencing resistance from conflicting beliefs.

The Role of Self-Discipline
I называю вышеозначенный процесс самодисциплиной и определяю ее как ментальную технику изменения направления (по мере возможности) внимания на объект цели или желания, когда этот объект или желание противоречат некоторым другим составляющим (убеждениям) среды нашего сознания. Self-discipline is not a personality trait, meaning people are not born disciplined. INнимательно подумав над моим определением самодисциплины, вы поймете, что родиться дисциплинированным невозможно в принципе. IN то же время, каждому по силам использовать самодисциплину в качестве метода, задействованного в процессе трансформации личности.

An example from my life illustrates well the dynamics of this technique. IN 1978 году я решил заняться бегом. I don’t remember what exactly motivated me, but the style of my life in the previous eight years was far from active. I не занимался спортом, если не считать просмотра спортивных телепрограмм.

IN средней школе и в колледже я занимался разными видами спорта, в основном хоккеем на льду. Unfortunately, life after graduating from college did not turn out the way I had hoped. I won't say that I liked the state of affairs, but at the time there was nothing I could do about it. Can назвать это периодом бездеятельности, но на самом деле я пребывал в глубокой депрессии.

And again, I'm not sure what triggered my sudden desire to take up athletics (perhaps some TV program awakened my interest in sports running). INпрочем, насколько помню, мотивация была довольно сильной. So I went to the store, bought a pair of running shoes, put them on and went for a run. The first thing that came to my mind was that I couldn't run. I only had enough strength to run 50-60 yards. An unpleasant surprise. I не мог представить, насколько вышел из формы. The opening was so painful that the next time I put on my sneakers was only two weeks later. INторая попытка тоже была неудачной: у меня не получалось пробежать больше 50-60 ярдов. The next day I tried again, but with the same success. The deterioration in my physical condition made me so discouraged that I did not touch the sneakers for another four months.

The spring of 1979 arrived. I все еще собирался заниматься бегом, хотя и был крайне удручен отсутствием прогресса. After thinking about my problem, I came to the conclusion that I was missing a specific goal. The idea of ​​running is great in itself, but what does it really mean? Don't know. Thoughts lacked clarity and specificity. I needed something more tangible to go to. So I decided that by the end of the summer I wanted to run five miles non-stop.

IN то время дистанция в пять миль казалась совершенно неподъемной, но мысль о том, что я могу сделать это, наполняла меня энтузиазмом. The high spirits allowed me to go out for runs four times in the first week. By the end of the week, I was pleasantly surprised that even light workouts helped me run more and more distance each time. This inspired me so much that I decided to buy a stopwatch and a notebook for recording my runs. I рассчитал двухмильную дистанцию и разметил на ней отрезки длиной в четверть мили каждый. IN блокнот я вписывал дату, дистанцию пробега, время и данные о физическом самочувствии.

But now, with my cherished five miles on the horizon, I suddenly ran into a whole host of new problems.


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