Message: #293510
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:13

Zone Trading. Beating the market through confidence, discipline and a mindset for success. Mark Douglas

заряженную энергию. Мальчик может логически обосновывать такое переключение с помощью следующей мысли: «Если одна собака меня предала, то и другие способны на такое".

I believe, however, that the development of the situation in this vein is extremely unlikely. It is more likely that the word "everything" present in the original belief will undergo deactivation, after which the energy will move to a new belief that more accurately reflects the true nature of dogs. A new experience provoked a flow of energy, and as a result, the boy was forced to expand his knowledge in the field of cynology, which he had previously categorically refused. The belief in the friendliness of dogs was not affected. He will continue to play with them, but at the same time being cautious, consciously paying attention to any signs of friendliness or aggression.

I думаю, фундаментальная истина касательно сути нашего существования заключается в том, что каждому моменту на рынке, равно как и каждому моменту в повседневной жизни, присущи уже известные нам сходные элементы (подобия), а также элементы, которых мы не знаем, поскольку в прошлом did not encounter them. Until we train our consciousness to expect an unknown, unique result, our knowledge and skills will be limited to what is already known, and everything else, that is, any other information and possibilities that do not fit into the framework of already acquired knowledge, will pass us unnoticed and unaccepted, will be subject to distortion or completely rejected. Sincerely convinced that there is no need to know the future, you will begin to think probabilistically (in terms of market), after which there will be no reason to block, ignore, deny, distort or aggressively attack everything that the market offers us as a potential to move in one direction or another.

If you do not experience this kind of freedom of consciousness, but are striving for it, then you should decide to actively train your consciousness in order to accustom it to believe in the uniqueness of each moment, and also deactivate all other beliefs that contradict this. This process is no different from what the boy went through in the first scenario. He wanted to communicate with dogs without feeling fear, and for this he was forced not only to form a new belief, but also to deactivate all others that contradicted him. This is the secret to becoming a successful trader.

3. Beliefs continue to work whether or not we are aware of their presence in the realm of our consciousness. INыражаясь иначе, нам нет нужды помнить или иметь сознательный доступ к какому-либо убеждению, чтобы оно воздействовало в качестве силы на восприятие информации или на поведение. I know it's hard to believe, but our lives are also affected by what we can't even remember. However, everything we have learned throughout life is stored on a subconscious level.

If I ask you to remember everything that you learned in the process of learning to drive a car, you are unlikely to be able to recall all the details that you should have concentrated on while attending driving courses. When I once taught a teenager how to drive a car, I was absolutely amazed at the number of things to learn, which we later take for granted, which we later do not think about, and which never again surface to the conscious level.

INозможно, наилучшей иллюстрацией сказанного являются люди, управляющие автомобилем в состоянии алкогольного опьянения. Every day and every night, thousands of people get behind the wheel, so drunk that they have no idea on the level of consciousness how to get from point A to point B. Nevertheless, they manage to reach their destination safely. Driving skills and the belief in the ability to drive a car in automatic mode are much deeper than the level of consciousness.

Of course, a certain percentage drunk drivers get into accidents, but comparing the statistics of traffic accidents with the total number of people driving cars in a state of alcohol intoxication, one can be surprised at the extremely small number of victims. IN основном пьяный разбивает машину, заснув за рулем, либо оказавшись в ситуации, требующей сознательного решения и быстрой реакции. In other words, for normal driving, subconscious skills alone are not enough.

Trading and self-esteem
INлияние самооценки на результаты трейдинга чрезвычайно велико. The trading environment provides unlimited opportunities for capital accumulation. INпрочем, само по себе наличие потенциала и восприятие нами возможности его реализации отнюдь не означает отсутствие у нас проблем с самооценкой. Sometimes this means a deep gap between how much money we would like to receive from the market and our belief in what we deserve.

A sense of self-esteem is inherent in every person. The easiest way to describe this feeling is to make a list of all the active beliefs, both conscious and unconscious, that testify for and against accumulation and achievement for greater success and prosperity. Then compare the amount of positive and negative energy of the beliefs. When the positive energy of beliefs that affirm your right to success and well-being prevail, you have a positive sense of self-esteem. IN противном случае ваша самооценка носит отрицательный характер.

The forces of interaction of these beliefs with each other are far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance. In fact, it may take many years of persistent and sophisticated work of consciousness to unravel this complex tangle. INажно знать, что в принципе невозможно вырасти в той или иной социальной среде и не приобрести при этом каких-либо негативно заряженных убеждений, выступающих против идеи успеха и накопления значительного финансового капитала. Most of these sabotaging beliefs have long been forgotten and operate at the subconscious level, but this does not mean their deactivation.

How do we form sabotaging beliefs? Unfortunately, it's pretty easy. Often a child, doing some things that are forbidden to him by parents and teachers, gets an accidental injury. Many parents, being overwhelmed by excessive pedagogical passionately, trying to convey to the child the meaning of what happened through remarks like “You deserve it!” или «INидишь, что происходит с непослушными детьми? Бог наказал тебя!". INред от произнесения или выслушивания подобных сентенций состоит в том, что ребенок может ассоциировать с ними любые будущие травмы, тем самым формируя убеждение в собственной негодности, в том, что он недостоин успеха, счастья и любви.

Any feeling of guilt we feel can adversely affect our self-esteem. Feeling guilty is usually associated with feeling worthless, worthless, and most people are of the opinion that a bad person deserves to be punished and certainly not worthy of a reward. According to some religious views, material wealth is worthy of condemnation, because it contradicts the spiritual principle. Many people believe that not all ways of making money are justifiable, even if they are socially and legally acceptable. And again, you may not have specific memories of past experiences that deny the possibility of achievement and success, which does not mean that the once experienced has disappeared without a trace and no longer affects the perception of the present.

When we trade in the market, these subconscious sabotaging beliefs manifest themselves in the form of seemingly random misses, when we suddenly lose concentration, place a buy order instead of a sell order, or, having decided to step away from the monitor for a minute, come back and seethat missed a clear opportunity to make money. I работал со многими трейдерами, добившимися определенных успехов в плане стабильности успешных сделок, которым ни за что не удавалось преодолеть некие пороги прибыльности. They seemed to be hitting an invisible but very real barrier that can be compared to the proverbial glass ceiling that many women in the business world have to deal with.

Every time these traders hit a barrier, their trading account balances plummet, no matter how the market behaves. Тем не менее, отвечая на вопрос о причинах неудачи, они все сваливают на невезение или на бредовые капризы market. It is curious that they usually succeed in stable segments, sometimes lasting for several months, and sharp balance reductions start from the same levels. I определяю этот психологический феномен как присутствие в негативной зоне. If money can miraculously materialize in the trading account of a trader who is in the zone, so it disappears when entering the negative zone, where unresolved problems related to self-esteem mysteriously affect perception of information and behavior.

I далек от утверждения о необходимости деактивировать любое убеждение, мешающее вашей позитивной самооценке, поскольку это было бы совершенно бессмысленно: все равно это не по силам. But you must be aware of the presence of such beliefs and take concrete steps to neutralize their influence on your trading.

Chapter 11 Think Like a Trader
If you ask me to reduce trading to its simplest formula, I would define it as a pattern recognition number game. We use market analysis methods to identify patterns, identify risks and levels of profit taking. A deal either works or it doesn't. IN обоих случаях после закрытия сделки мы переходим к следующей. INсе довольно просто, но совсем не легко. INедь, в сущности, трейдинг является самым сложным делом из всего, в чем вы пытались добиться успеха. And not because trading in the market requires remarkable mental abilities, quite the opposite!

The problem is that the more you pretend to know, the less success you achieve. Trading is difficult because you have to work in conditions where you don't need to know, even if the results of the analysis turn out to be absolutely correct from time to time. Working in conditions where you don't need to know requires handling expectations properly. For того чтобы надлежащим образом управлять ожиданиями, следует перенастроить сферу сознания так, чтобы быть способным искренне, без тени сомнения, верить в пять фундаментальных истин трейдинга.

IN данной главе я собираюсь


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