Message: #293522
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:23

One good trade. Mike Bellafiore

them as often as possible and gradually, step by step, increase volumes. It is equally important to try to cope with mental weaknesses. At the same time, inexperienced traders should always try to increase the number of trading models in their arsenal. Таков путь, ведущий к увеличению доходности trade.

Трейдерам следует помнить о словах Aвраама Линкольна, говорившего о необходимости дисциплины во имя лучших ангелов нашего естества. Bad traders tend to blame trading platforms or those sitting next to them for failures. The current state of the accounts is the subject of their endless complaints. Heи нудят по поводу вещей, находящихся вне их контроля - несправедливой системы налогообложения, стоимости сделок, платы за торговую платформу. Those who want to justify themselves will always find such an opportunity.

At the same время, как правило, это те же самые трейдеры, которые упускают легкие трейды, никогда не ополчаются против демонов своей натуры и не задумываются над тем, чтобы завести подробный журнал trade. Heи переживают - «Aх, если бы я учился у лучшего трейдера на Уолл-стрит, мои результаты были бы лучше". I don't think so.

For example, a trader I know often exits the market ahead of time. There are very few Buy-and-Hold patterns in his arsenal, he prefers fleeting trades. Recently he was asked to change workplace, and he was surrounded by traders who are well versed in the overall picture of the market. This young trader needs to learn how to identify trades that are easy to hold. After этого он уже сможет переходить непосредственно к овладению техникой удержания, что поможет ему избавиться от порока поспешного закрытия позиций. Overcoming the vices of trading is a slow and painstaking process. Если посадить этого молодого человека рядом со Steveом Коэном, проблема преждевременного выхода сама собой не разрешится (конечно, если мистер Коэн не прикажет ему удерживать позиции под угрозой увольнения).

Endurance training
A great trader with young people may not have the patience. Perhaps he is not eager to play the role of a mentor, or simply frustrated by the inability of his mentee to understand what is happening in the market as quickly as he does. From time to time I have such thoughts. One of our talented traders was less enthusiastic about the introduction of daily loss limits. Но самому ему было трудно удержать заработанные во время открытия money. As already mentioned, according to the trading rules adopted by SMB Capital, a loss in the middle of a session of more than 30 percent of the amount received in the morning hours is not allowed. If this rule is violated, the trader's purchasing power is reduced the next day - a limit on the number of lots is introduced for one trading session.

One day в прошлом этот молодой трейдер уже проигрывался в пух и прах в середине sessions. Basically, this loss limit was put in place because of people like him. Steve послал ему электронное письмо, в котором информировал о скором введении в действие ограничений на убытки, на что новичок отреагировал с раздражением. In a response letter, a handsome young man stated that he considered the decision unfair and regretted that the company's management treated its traders like some kind of fifth graders. I must say that he flew in the middle of the day more than once or twice. And a new rule was introduced for his own benefit.

A great trader might not have had the patience and forbearance to respond calmly to such a letter. Великий трейдер просто сказал бы новичку - «Заткнись и закругляйся с убытками в середине дня". It is unpleasant to recall the scene that I had to watch in one of the private trading companies where I used to trade. WITHильный и опытный трейдер резко оборвал подающего надежды молодого трейдера -«Ты закончил здесь. Get out of our room. Иди и теряй деньги где-нибудь в другом месте".

Во времена моей со Steveом трейдерской карьеры, в качестве меры педагогического воздействия, использовались отжимания. The trader who made the mistake had to do 100 push-ups. The study shows that only 20 percent of children and adults are able to go through such humiliation without emotional or psychological damage (Bobby Knight, a basketball coach known for his controversial behavior towards referees and players, would certainly not agree with this). To neutralize the psychological consequences of one negative comment, at least four positive comments are required. Марк Твен писал - «Хорошего комплимента мне хватает для того, чтобы прожить пару месяцев". All трейдеры разные. On some, you should not raise your voice at all - it hurts them.

Others will pay attention to the remark, if only to shout it at the top of their lungs. Mentors should think twice before talking to traders. Their treatment should be based on individual characteristics and feedback.

I проводил свой столько раз отсроченный отпуск на избежавших губительного воздействия времени отмелях Отер-бэнкс (320-километровая полоса барьерных островов побережья WITHеверной Каролины). I got a call from one of our traders who was trading from home. In the recent past, he completed a special training program in Switzerland to better understand how the financial markets work. In the past, this trader was a professional pop musician, so let's call him the Pop Trader. He хотел переговорить со мной. Парень попал в неприятную полосу и потерял так много, что Steve прикрыл его trading account. Despite the actual dismissal, the possibility of continuing our relationship remained.

На выходных он прислал мне подробный анализ своей trade. I must say that the Pop Trader is a very pleasant and nice person to talk to. In calm and respectful terms, he made it clear that he considered the closure of the trading account as premature and unreasonable. According to the Pop Trader, he concentrated on exactly what we we constantly preach - on a steady and gradual improvement in the standard of work, therefore, we consider our dismissal unfair. It pissed me off. Feel free to criticize the firm we created from scratch as much as you like, but don't you dare call our decisions unfair!

Our trading floor in August 2009 was above the average for Wall Street, and it suffered losses. Наши трейдеры работали с Aкциями в Игре, а он день за днем занимался каким-то почти неподвижным мусором. Почти все in the trading floor научились обращению с импульсными акциями, а он боялся дотронуться до них. The pop trader was always late to get out of the market when the price went against his positions.

I had a feeling that our mantra - progress daily, he uses as an excuse. Wasо совершенно очевидно, что он не делает все возможное для повышения качества своего трейдинга. He влезал в рынок по неправильным акциям, будучи неспособным, преодолеть банальный психологический барьер, и всеми силами сопротивлялся нашим призывам перейти на торговлю Aкциями в Игре. In rather harsh terms, I pointed out to him the poor results and lack of progress. The pop star listened to me without interrupting. In the end, having overcome my annoyance - the beautiful view of the ocean I was looking at helped me in this - I suggested that he write a letter listing the problematic issues that needed to be worked on. The pop trader agreed and the conversation ended there.

After walking away a little, I realized that I had made a mistake. I did not listen to the interlocutor. The pop star was not one to respond to a loud tone. I was irritated by the fact that I was distracted from the process of rest, and I broke loose - I allowed myself to be rude. The conversation did not benefit him, nothing new and useful sounded for him. When I hung up the phone, I felt embarrassed. To be honest, I was not mentally prepared for such a conversation, because I was on such a long-awaited vacation. I never received a letter from the Pop Trader.

John Wooden пишет в своей книге - «Вуден о лидерстве» (Wooden on Leadership) — «Многие лидеры не в полной мере оценивают то, что. telling a person what he should do, you must teach him to do it. Thisт процесс требует терпения и выдержки". As a trading teacher, you must explain to your students why following the rules suits their interests. WITHовершенно необходимо донести до молодого трейдера важность того или иного правила trade. Великий спичрайтер и сотрудник газеты Wall Street Journal Пегги Нунан в книге -«Вспоминая добрым словом» (On Speaking Well), утверждает — «В речах всегда больше всего трогает логика". Good teachers try to clearly justify their arguments. Being the boss doesn't mean forcing people to blindly follow the rules. You can object, and you might be right, but at least it's non-pedagogical.

Show rigidity
A mentor must challenge his students. I empathize with young traders. Trading in the financial market is very difficult. A hard-working trader deserves to be treated with patience, even if he has not yet achieved decent results. At the same время, необходимо соблюдать стандарты. If traders violate the basic principles of trading, no one will reckon with their feelings. Sometimes it is necessary to attract the attention of a trader by raising your voice to him. WITHлучается, что дела in the trading floor идут из рук вон плохо, или трейдер работает ниже своих возможностей. Тренер Кей во время интервью с Чарли Роузом (американский телеведущий и журналист) сказал — «В плохие времена приходится сильно выражаться". We spend thousands of hours with our traders. Время от времени задачи коммуникации требуют страстного, повышенного тона, который даст почувствовать трейдерам важность what is happening.

In February 2009, I was so upset by the actions of several traders that I called a meeting. I literally growled - “The level of your mental preparation is completely unacceptable. You have the opportunity to achieve something truly


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