Message: #293522
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:23

One good trade. Mike Bellafiore

слабые места и внести необходимые дополнения. This is how the webinar appeared in the program, which is now our best training tool. Before the start of the last stream, we included in the training program the study of video recordings of profitable transactions accompanied by audio comments. В настоящее время мы собираемся добавить в учебный план - WITHекретный проект X. Осуществляемая в нашей компании программа обучения будет постоянно обновляться.

A good trader never leaves the desire to work better. He все время просматривает графики в поисках перспективного трейда и подвергает тщательной переоценке правила риск менеджмента, которых придерживается в своей торговле. A good teacher is busy looking for the best ways to teach. WITHоздание наших вебинаров, обучающих видеопрограмм, составление повесток дня утренних собраний, разработка описаний торговых моделей и постоянное улучшение учебной программы -на все это уходят годы кропотливого труда, подчас охватывающего все наше рабочее время.

One day я услышал от трейдера вопрос - "Bella, в какой области ты наиболее конкурентоспособен?»

Being among traders, I feel quite at ease. Joe Torre of the era of the great Yankees series, was also always calm in the company of players. Whatever happened on the field, when the camera found Torre in dugout (dugout - a bench on the edge of the baseball field), his face was never reflected excitement. The coolness of the teacher impresses the students. Allгда оставаться спокойным и обнадеживающим должен и я - это часть моей работы. This should not be taken as a sign of insufficient passion and competitiveness. In terms of developing a training course, I will give odds to many. My main interest is building and running the best stock day trading firm on Wall Street and growing the company. This is the biggest challenge for me and the best way to use my talents. I no longer care about the prospect of becoming the best trader on Wall Street. This dream is now the lot of those I teach.

Mordovorot is our floor manager and big cheeseburger expert (he claims the best at JG Melon, a New York pub famous for its parlor food), and one of the most disciplined traders I've ever had to train, loves make fun of our training program: in his opinion, it has changed a lot for the better since he himself took it two years ago. Of course, you are right about that, dear burger lover. A еще через пару лет она будет намного лучше и совершеннее, чем сегодня. Наш новейший инструмент - WITHекретный проект X — стоил уйму денег. It took a lot of time and effort to develop it. It was my idea. You can call it obsessive, but I think about it all the time. Фирма тратит много денег и времени на полноценное обучение своих traders.

High motivation
A great trader may lack the incentive to create an effective training program. Earning millions of dollars, there is no need to puzzle yourself with questions about how to help beginners master the basics of the profession. If SMB Capital manages to fill the trading floor with 150 successful traders, the feeling of personal satisfaction, as well as the financial reward of partners, will be more than enough. Needless to say, I'm motivated. Возможно, наступит день, когда о Steveе и обо мне буду говорить, как о джулианах робертсонах частного внутридневного трейдинга (Джулиан Робертсон - один из известнейших руководителей хедж-фондов, глава Tiger Management Corp.; под его прямым или косвенным патронажем начиналась карьера трейдеров, которые manage over 50 hedge funds today; his the protégé is often referred to as the Tiger Cubs).

Мой бизнес партнер Steve признан одним из лучших внутридневных трейдеров фондового рынка. My первое предложение о создании частной трейдинговой фирмы было встречено им со смехом, - «WITH какой стати я стану заниматься этим?» Steve немедленно вычислил возможные убытки от наставничества. The absence of any interest on his part was quite obvious.

As for me, I looked at it as a special kind of challenge, believing that I would be able to express myself more fully in the process of managing the company. Just trading is not enough for me.

After того, как я предложил вниманию Steveа свое видение будущей компании, он всерьез задумался над предложением. I ignored his first reaction.

I просто начал работать над организацией компании, постепенно вовлекая Steveа в процесWith. After того, как он погрузился в работу, времени на возражения уже не оставалось. Знаю, что Steve иногда готов убить меня, когда на выходных мы загружены делами, которыми обычные трейдеры никогда не занимаются. WITHо временем мы оба пришли к убеждению, что создание прекрасной программы обучения с лихвой вознаградит нас за все лишения.

Clear communication
A good teacher has excellent communication skills. A great trader may well be tongue-tied and incoherent. Shortly after I started trading, I wanted to get up close and personal with the best trader in our firm. It was very difficult to make out the speech of the former Russian chess champion. He was a wonderful and intelligent (no doubt!) man, but in addition to understandable difficulties with English, he apparently lacked a natural talent for communication. Many great traders are unable to coherently convey the essence of their methodology to the interlocutor (perhaps the lack of desire to help competitors also plays a role here).

SMB Capital was interested in opening an office in India, and we had a meeting with entrepreneurs. Мы планировали найти одного хорошего трейдера, провести его через нашу систему обучения, чтобы позже он сумел сам организовать курс, выпускники которого будут работать in the trading floor филиала. Rising from my chair in our former conference room, which sometimes felt like a sauna, I went to a whiteboard and wrote on it:

• Successful trader;

• WITHистема training for SMB Capital;

• Teacher;

• Mentor;

• Manager;

• Recruiter;

• Development manager.

I explained to those present that these are all individual jobs that will be needed for the successful operation of a trading office in India. It is not easy to find a successful trader, especially one who agrees to learn our method and follow it in his work. But even after that, the likelihood that this successful trader will turn out to be a good mentor is extremely small. Мы предложили принципиально иную схему бизнеса, при которой компании SMB Capital отводилась более существенная роль в обучении и администрировании команды traders. WITHообразительные бизнесмены мгновенно уловили суть предложения по реструктурированию бизнес-плана. Unfortunately, they found it too costly.

Recently I had lunch at a restaurant with a very strong trader - a real private trading superstar - with excellent communication skills. We were discussing momentum trading, and after talking about his difficulty teaching others about momentum trading, he inquired about my experience in this area. The difference between our trading potentials is very big, we sort of play in different leagues. At the same время, он удивился, узнав о моем более эффективном способе обучения импульсному трейдингу. This is a very difficult task, but a good teacher can cope with teaching momentum trading. I do it well.

Чип и Дэн Хиты в своей книге «WITHделано навеки» (Chip & Dan Heath, Made to Stick) пишут, что передаваемый блок информации должен быть:

• Simple;

• Unexpected;

• Specific;

• Trustworthy;

• Emotional;

• Must include stories. We, coaches, should be guided by

the above criteria. Just as a great trader is able to identify key technical levels, a great teacher should be able to convey to students the important points of trading. Do great traders have the perseverance and ability to do this?

Laying a solid foundation
An outstanding trader can create a trading system that you will not be able to use due to the fact that your professional level will be insufficient for this. A sophisticated trading system may be too complex for the stage of your trading career you are currently in. Unlike an experienced trader, it will be difficult for you to determine when to open a position on 70,000 SKF ETF. If, after opening a position, the price goes against, your skills may not be enough to cope with such a position. To begin with, it is better to limit ourselves to three hundred SKF.

stable зарабатывающие трейдеры постоянно анализируют свои торговые системы. Heи вносят в них коррективы каждый месяц, каждый день, а иногда и прямо во время trading session. Throughout my career, I had to radically change the trading system six times. I've lived through the Asian financial crisis, the hi-tech stock boom, the Internet boom, the explosion of the Internet bubble, 9/11, the range-limited market, and the near-collapse of the banking system. Every day brings something new. There is no system that can be learned. It is necessary to develop professional skills that will allow you to make the necessary changes in trading at the right time.

A newcomer to the market should start by mastering the basics. Architecture students don't start by designing skyscrapers. A young trader should focus on developing trading skills, discipline and control of emotions. He должен заложить прочный фундамент будущей карьеры. You need to start with simple and proven trading patterns. Easier говоря, молодой трейдер должен сначала научиться trade.

Aкция RIMM: учиться торговать
One of our company's friendliest and most hilarious traders once complained about being knocked out of a trade in YHMM stock. In our morning meeting, we identified a level at $82. Steve сообщил о намерении открыть короткую позицию от этого уровня. Мы даже провозгласили RIММ лучшей акцией для утренней trade. (Before each open, SMB Capital blogs on Twitter and StockTwits post the best trading idea for the morning hours.)

This trader showed me a recording of his trade and told me how, after entering at $82, he was kicked out at $82.32. After того, как позиция была закрыта в минус, акция RIММ сразу провалилась до уровня 79$. Some a stop-loss-hunting market maker made our trader buy at the intraday


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