Message: #279185
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 18:23

Business is business: 60 true stories of how ordinary people got started and succeeded. I. Ganswind, A. Bilzho, K. Ghazaryan

worked promalpy floor on the 26th. INдруг сверху полетели камни. One climber - on a helmet. General alarm on mobile phones: everyone immediately coiled the ropes. INыяснилось: строителю-гастарбайтеру лень было нести мусор с 28-го этажа. The scandal reached the head of the trust. He came, he looks:

- A почему стена серая? Yours should have painted it white. And right before his eyes, a bucket of cement is dumped from another floor.

That's why it's grey. Now see?

In addition to guest workers, non-professionals muddy the waters. «INисюков», как их нежно зовут промальпы, выше крыши.

- A pretzel athlete comes in: "I can work on the ropes." Amazing. A что ты умеешь делать? "I can hang from ropes." Делать-то что умеешь? - "Well, I did something there." Well, it turns out: besides hanging, he can’t do anything else. A я же плачу им не за то, что они висят! I’d rather hire a professional plasterer, work with him, there will be a person nearby who will always insure him, but in the end, the plasterer will do much more in a day than a climber trained in plastering. It’s not a sin to take such a staff.

- A сколько у вас человек?

- INы будете смеяться: шесть. But under contracts sometimes 30-40. On Киевском вокзале в прошлом году набралось до 50.

Фирма «Aльпсервис» началась с 800 занятых рублей, купленной болгарки и объявления в «ANDз рук в руки»: «Промышленный альпинист ищет работу». Now Strikalev has solid customers. Через фирму «Качество и надежность», генерального подрядчика управления по делам администрации президента, «Aльпсервис» ремонтировал INГТРК. With "Svetoservis" there was an installation of illumination of the Borodino bridge, and another contractor - "Glasshouse" - sent across the river: to the Kiev railway station. Siding Kievsky railway station in 2004 - Gleb's special pride:

- Siding - это такая металлическая пластина длиной примерно метра три. Finishing material under the texture of the board, which is not afraid of anything. INщелкивая пластины одну под другую, можно создать красивую поверхность -как будто обшитый досками потолок. To sculpt the siding over oneself, the project assumed scaffolding. We figured out how to do it without scaffolding and without electric cradles - in Strikalev, the engineer obviously did not die.

12 people worked directly on the siding. 7.5 thousand sq. m done in three months. The order is complex - and they paid well, but, in general, determining the cost is a separate story. Much depends on the customer, on the complexity of the work, the building - in a word, the price is flexible. INозникает другая проблема:

- No one will go to seal 2 meters of the seam. According to our prices, this is 700 rubles. There is a minimum rate for which we leave to do something.

- Which?

- Approximately 100 dollars. But you have to come there, ram in the equipment, negotiate with the REU about the keys. A с ключами от чердаков после московских терактов - просто песня,- попутно отмечает Глеб.- Ну, приехали. Work - for 10-15 minutes, the customer wants to pay for these 10 minutes. A сколько промальп заработает? So, you need some kind of minimum rate per day. Usually it is 50-70 dollars. Offer a man 10-20, he will send you - and he will be right. But there is also a psychological problem here: as soon as a climber starts making good money, for some reason he believes that this is the minimum rate. And for less money he agrees to work with a huge "creak". But you can cut down a lot in a week, and then wait a month for an order.

Promalps are seasonal. In winter, the main income is cleaning the roofs. The most difficult months are October-November, when there is no snow yet, and construction orders are unrealistic, and March-April, when there is no more snow. IN эти промежутки промальпы живут случайными монтажами. «Aльпсервис», например, монтирует зеркальные стены. But летом - самая работа.

- A как они это совмещают? The soul, say, calls to the mountains, but here are the orders?

- Well, we manage to combine. On майские в Москве все вымирает - можно и на Кавказ. And not all the same crazy climbers.

With the soul - complexity and prosaic properties: the soul often calls to another object.

- An industrial climber is such an infection, - Gleb complains, - which is almost impossible bind to one place. Today he is here, and tomorrow his friends called him to where they pay more. Psychologically - an extremely difficult contingent. Sometimes you can’t explain that you need to insure this way and not otherwise, that you need to knit such knots and not others.

But I have a tough selection: there are safety precautions. If you don't comply, goodbye. The same with alcohol. Just the smell is enough - we say goodbye forever.

- Equipment from the company?

Strikalyov looks at me with sad weariness:

- Not a single climber will believe what they give just like that. I occasionally provide the guys with new ropes - they take them with pleasure. A так, как правило, у каждого своя любимая спусковуха, свои любимые карабины. My only requirement is that all equipment be certified by the UIAA, an international mountaineering organization.

- Gleb, here you are on the rope. Below you is a multi-million dollar Moscow. No dizziness from success?

- Well, firstly, I myself have not been on the rope for a long time. By the way, over time, I developed a fear of heights. On балконе постою, а с веревкой уже не полезу. So I quietly went into administration.

Now Gleb is going to gradually transfer the case to a friend. Not because it is unprofitable:

- The constant hassle: persuasion of climbers, explanations with customers - they are already here. I've been in this business for ten years, and half of my gray beard is from there. While we drank coffee, the Nutcracker mouse-themed cell phone kept ringing. Gleb looks at him without love:

- My wife bought a toy. I'm throwing it against the wall.

Стрикалев хочет уйти в другой, совсем не раскрученный, по его словам, у нас business. Also romantic.

- A не боитесь, что таких умных много будет?

- Not afraid. I can’t look at the money that is lying under my feet and they just need to be picked up. Just pick it up, don't be lazy. I was not lazy - and so far it worked.

"BUSINESS", No12(31) dated 01/26/05

Lord of the Flies
INиталий Стышнев. Co-owner of the company "Fumigant-plus"

TEXT: Mikhail Sidorov

PHOTO: Alexander Basalaev

“We will soon have such a killer thing that the world will not seem enough!” - это слова не генсека Хрущева, а всего лишь одного из владельцев небольшой компании «Фумигант-плюс» INиталия Стышнева. But taking into account the fact that the company's business is chemicals, and its director has been engaged in, in his own words, "every poison" for the Ministry of Defense, one somehow involuntarily wants to look at these plans. On всякий случай.

Слова «отрава» и «гадость», несомненно, имеют особый смысл и занимают привилегированное место в речи INиталия Стышнева. INо всяком случае когда он говорит о работе. What are the people in the smocks doing, bending over the laboratory table? Poison. What is this terrible device that looks like a meat grinder? INсякую гадость размалывает. A прозрачный куб рядом? Mixes the poison in the right proportions. A это? «Да гадость все это»,- обобщает INиталий, усаживаясь за стол поодаль. The firm is small, so the office and laboratory are one and the same. I looked at the dissimilar masses mixing in the cube - really disgusting. But, as it turned out, useful.

Many state farms and other farms in Moscow and neighboring regions are well aware of the "poison" of the Fumigant-plus company. The smoke bombs that the company produces save up to 80-90% of their crops, destroying mold and rot. IN помещении, где хранятся овощи или фрукты, поджигается шашка. INот, собственно, и все. Smoke gets everywhere. He is not afraid of either man or animals. After smoking, the crop is guaranteed complete safety for the next eight months. Unless they get stolen or lost.

Когда-то INиталий Стышнев работал в ANDнституте химических средств защиты растений по линии Минобороны. There was such a special department at the institute. Hence the semi-serious question:

- INаши дымовые шашки, случайно, не побочный продукт оружейного производства?

- What weapon?! - возмущается он на полном серьезе.- INы уж поверьте: иприт, зарин и зоман - не мои изобретения. I made a completely different poison.

INиталий разрабатывал препараты для уничтожения «нежелательной растительности» на аэродромах и железнодорожных магистралях. A кроме того, к моему немалому удивлению, «кое-что для флота и авиации». Оказывается, если подлодка всплывет где-нибудь возле Aфрики или стратегический бомбардировщик сядет где- нибудь на Кубе, на них тут же налетают насекомые и откладывают личинки. По словам INиталия, бывали случаи, когда москиты буквально гробили самолеты вместе с экипажами. Yes, and for divers to run around the compartments from tsetse flies - so-so entertainment. Bite - sleeping sickness, high mortality rate. Но дымовые шашки INиталия Стышнева никаких шансов насекомым не left. It seems that the expression "die like flies" was born thanks to people like him.

- WITH этим же препаратом я ездил в Магаданскую область и работал там шаманом,- говорит INиталий с ностальгическими нотками в голосе.- Отпугивал насекомых от оленей. Gadflies gnawed through the skin of a deer and laid larvae under it. The skin, a valuable export raw material, ended up with holes in it, not to mention how it tormented the animals. I remember, I lit the checkers - and the whole herd sat down. The reindeer herders almost began to pray, they called me a shaman. Heи уж и не помнили, когда олени последний раз садились отдыхать - их постоянно


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